Page 66 of Sugar Biker Daddies

Not enough distance between us.

I can't afford to be cut off by Flames of Hell right now, as that would only put Amelia on the spot, and after what happened at Rueben’s bike shop, I don’t think she’s ready to be near another one of them.

She’ll never be near them if I have my way.

My jaw clenches as I drive faster until I’m finally free of them. I slow down a little to make sure that I lost them before driving in the direction of the safe house.

I must be going crazy, worrying about someone so much that I let it affect my decision making.

In no time, I lose them and get us back home safely.

I look at her as I park the car and she gets out. I have never let myself be so bothered over anyone before, and yet, her safety has been the only thing on my mind.

I follow her into the house, where the guys are sitting on the couch.

“I was beginning to think you had gone missing,” Josiah says with a smirk that quickly drops from his face when Amelia squirms and looks at me before scurrying off to her room.

“What was that about?” Rueben asks.

I bat away their curiosity. Much like me, I doubt they’ll be able to stay angry at her, or even be able to muster the energy to be angry.

“It’s nothing. Something did happen though,” I say, and they sit up straight. “I think Flames of Hell might be on to us.”

Rueben frowns. “Why do you say that?”

I shake my head and collapse on the empty seat. “We were followed.”

Chapter 23


I look at the test strip in my hand as I sit on the toilet, waiting for it to tell me what I already believe to be true. The tacos sit forgotten on my bedroom table. That had only been a guise to go out to get the strip.

Although I wish I hadn’t put Tanner through the emotional stress he must have gone through searching for me, I didn’t want to have to scare them in case there was nothing to be worried about.

My heart skips a bit as the two lines begin to turn dark red on the stick. A gasp tears through my closed lips, and the stick shakes in my hand until it falls to the floor, clattering loudly.

How can I be pregnant?

I had sex without protection, but I…


I haven’t been on birth control since I ended up here. And that was on me; I was sloppy and I most definitely should have thought about the possibility of getting laid. In my defense, I did not plan this at all.

Although I had been interested in them, it never occurred to me that they would reciprocate my interest, be it one or all of them.

What am I going to do now? How am I to know whose child it is?

I’d had sex with all of them, all at the same time. I get up from the toilet, suddenly feeling extremely exhausted.

What do I do?

I don’t know how long I’ll be here, and with how I've been feeling, it’s only a matter of time before the guys start to suspect that there’s something wrong. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to put them off before they send for a doctor.

Other than the fact that they could find out, I don’t feel good about lying to them in that way. It’ll only lead to problems and distrust between us, the one thing I have been so particular about. I can't be that person.

I flush the toilet and walk out to find the guys, even as my heart threatens to explode in my chest. I have to tell them before I chicken out.