She grinned up at me as she pushed my jeans to the floor and then eyed my boxer briefs, which were doing a poor job of concealing my eager erection.

I wasn’t going to let her have it quite that easily, though. I took her shoulders in my hands and rolled her to her back, straddling her slim figure with my thighs. “One for one,” I told her, and my hands traced skimming lines down the sides of her rib cage, landing on the waist of her jeans. I traced along the top of the denim and my fingers met at the button where I bent over and planted a kiss.

Holland sucked in a surprised breath.

I unfastened her pants and pushed them down her hips, taking the soft satin thong with them. I scooted down her body on the bed, so that every movement of my hands was followed with my mouth, laying soft kisses across the soft skin of her belly, dropping kisses over her hips and down the tops of her thighs. I looked up to find her watching me through heavily lidded eyes, her skin flushed, a faint smile on her face.

God, I wanted to make this girl smile forever. I also wanted to impale her on my cock and fuck her violently until she screamed out my name, but that could wait. While we were still getting to know each other, I wanted to take it slowly. I kept my mouth focused on Holland’s belly while my hands traced lines down the insides of her thighs. I couldsmell her now, and the musky scent that was purely woman was driving me crazy, making my cock throb insistently.

As Holland sighed above me, I let my fingers slide closer to her wet center, eventually tracing a line over her clit and following it with my lips. She tensed slightly, but didn’t ask me to stop. I gazed up to find her eyes closed, her head dropped back and one hand on her stomach. I took a few tentative licks, and then pushed her open gently with my fingers and let my tongue trace a long line along the center of her. I was rewarded with a small moan.

She was wet for me, and she tasted like salt and citrus. Between the taste of her, the smell of her sex surrounding me, and my increasing admiration for everything else about her, I was struggling not to explode. I swallowed hard, and then slid one finger inside her as my mouth found the hard knob of her clit and gave it a good long suck. She cried out, and her hand landed on my head. I thought she might be about to pull me back up toward her, but instead the hand applied a firm pressure as her hips tilted up, toward my mouth.

“Good girl,” I said, letting the vibration of my voice move through her pussy as I slipped another finger inside. Fingers and mouth working together, I continued to suck and finger fuck Holland until she was moaning, tossing her head back and forth. I knew she was close, and I couldn’t wait to feel her come on my hand, with my mouth on her. But Holland stopped me, pulling my head up.

“Hale,” she said, her voice a rough whisper. “I want to feel you inside me. I want you to fuck me.”

I moaned a curse without meaning to. Just hearingher utter the word “fuck” nearly had me undone. I moved to get my wallet, but Holland pointed at the drawer next to the bed. I climbed over her and leaned to open it. As I did so, I revealed condoms, lube, and an interesting assortment of vibrators that would definitely need to be explored later. Holland’s hands found my waistband and pushed my briefs from my hips as I struggled to rip one condom from the rest. I felt her hand cup my balls, and the other wrap around my shaft. “Oh fuck,” I moaned, and I couldn’t stop myself from dropping my eyes to stare. Seeing her slim perfect fingers wrapped around my dick was the most erotic thing I could imagine, and if I hadn’t been about to come from the sheer idea of it, I would have stayed there all day, watching her touch me.

Instead, I backed out of her reach and took a moment to think about the postal service. I don’t know why, but it was my go-to when I needed to calm down fast. How the fuck did they get all those letters and packages to every single house in the country every day? That was some serious fucking efficiency right there.

Effect achieved, I rolled the condom on, my libido firmly back in hand for the moment.

Kneeling over Holland, who was still spread on the pink bedspread looking like a wanton angel, her hair wild and her eyes glittering, I took a moment to appreciate the fact that right now—in this moment—I was happy. I wanted to remember what it felt like so I could call the moment back to me later.

“Fuck me, Hale,” she whispered, those perfect lips begging me as her eyes glittered.

I leaned forward and took her mouth with my own, crushing her lips and pressing my tongue into her mouth. I slid my tongue against hers and positioned myself just at her entrance, keeping myself there with my hand. But in the next second, her hand was on me again, guiding me in, taking me deeper, and it was all I could do to brace myself on my elbows above her. The combination of her slick hot wetness and her firm hand at my base was pure heaven, and I heard myself moaning her name as she pulled me inside her body, deeper and deeper. The sensation of being inside another person, having the most sensitive part of myself buried so deeply in that fiery intimate space—it was like being on another plane of consciousness.

Her hand moved away, and Holland arched up beneath me. For a second, we stayed like that, still and connected completely. I opened my eyes and met hers, and I was lost. I pulled out and moved into her, slowly at first and then with increasing fervor until we were both crying out. I felt her body spasm beneath me, watched her beautiful mouth form a perfect little “o” as she came, and then lost track of time as my own release overtook me.

We finished and I rolled off of her, leaning in to kiss her neck and shoulder before whispering, “I’ll be right back.” I found the bathroom and cleaned up, returning to the bedroom to find Holland pulling on her jeans.

“I like to cuddle after,” I informed her,half-joking but surprised at my own disappointment. I did want to hold her, I wanted to make this moment last as long as possible.

But something in Holland’s face told me she wasn’t happy. She forced a smile, but she looked like she might be about to cry. My mind raced, trying to piece together the last few minutes, looking for the place where things had gone off track. Shit. Had I already fucked this up?



Hale returned from the bathroom with a self-satisfied smile on his face, and I felt terrible when he looked at me and it fell away. I knew he hadn’t smiled much lately, and I didn’t want to be another person to make him unhappy.

“I’m sorry.” The apology fell from my lips before I even had time to think about it. “I probably shouldn’t have done that.”

“Wedid that, Holland,” he corrected, pulling on his pants. “Together.”

“Right. Well, it’s not the usual thing for me . . . It’s just . . .” I turned to look at him. He stood there, next to my bed, in bare feet and blue jeans. His broad chest was smooth, except for a trail of dark blond hair leading from his belly button into the waist of his jeans. His muscles stood out, each abdominal defined in the way that had always confused me—how did anyone manage to get them so toned? I knew minewere in there somewhere, but they remained well hidden. “I’m not really a spontaneous kind of girl. I let things get a little out of control there. I don’t do this . . . I don’t want you to think I’m like that,” I said, feeling the creep of embarrassment climbing my cheeks.

“Do you thinkI’mlike that, then?” Hale said, his voice taking on an edge that stung. He looked hurt.

“No. I mean . . .” I pulled my shirt on and stood in front of him. “I don’t know. We really just met. That’s why we probably shouldn’t have . . .” The truth of it hit me but seeing the pain on his face made me regret the words. We had just met, but I’d chosen to bring him here, to let things progress. And though I regretted the action in theory, no part of me actually regretted sleeping with Hale. There was something about him I trusted, even if it seemed like I shouldn’t. I tried to backpedal. “You, Hale . . . you’re different from other guys I’ve known. And honestly, I haven’t known any guys lately. Not for a long time, really. It’s just . . .” My voice trailed off and I tried to think about what I could say to explain how I felt. “I didn’t expect that to happen. Maybe it was just all the stress about the MLB thing . . .” I turned away from him, rubbing a hand over my face and looking for some rational thing to explain what I’d just done.

“Neither of us planned it, Holland.” He took my hand lightly, letting his fingers clasp mine gently and then slide away.

“That’s what’s wrong.” I shrugged, facing him again. “I plan everything. You don’t know me that well, so you don’t know that about me. But I don’t really do spontaneous. Idon’t do ‘fun and carefree’—that’s not usually me. I guess you caught me off guard. This did.” I gestured between us. “This . . . whatever this is. Was.”

“Is,” he said softly, turning and pulling his shirt on. We walked out into the living room, something awkward and strange between us, but the confusion I felt dissipating somewhat.