Page 82 of Only a Chance

“Thanks to you,” I told her.

“I’m different too,” she said. “Lighter, happier. Homeless.”

I snapped my gaze to hers. “Are you regretting it? That was kind of sudden.”

She laughed and shook her head as she took my hand. “Not at all. I’ve wanted an adventure for a long time, but I didn’t feel like I could leave my parents. And all the assignments I got were local. Now I can go.”

“We can always go back.”

“We can always go back,” she agreed.

For now, we were heading to Colorado, and then to Costa Rica. Together.

The resort had gotten a dusting of snow in my absence, and the crew had put up the holiday decorations that had just been making an appearance when I’d left. The whole place glowed merrily, and I had the distinct sensation of coming home as Emily and I walked through the front doors into the warm interior.

“You’re back!” Antonio came around the reception desk to shake my hand, slap my back, and hug Emily.

“For a few days,” I said.

“Good to see you both,” he said, stepping back. “Got a last-minute Christmas crew coming in hoping to ski.”

“I hope the weather cooperates,” I said. We had one run open, but so far hadn’t gotten enough snow to justify makingsnow for the rest. It was a problem, but not one I was stressing about the way I would have done even a few months earlier. What would be, would be. I had a capable staff, and they’d handle it. I would be with Emily in Costa Rica anyway.

“There’s a couple systems in the forecast, coming in from the northwest,” he said with confidence.

“That’s good,” Emily replied.

“Hey, join us for dinner tonight?” I suggested.

“Someone’s gotta work, Ghost.” Antonio shook his head.

“Drinks later then? In the bar?”

“I’ll be there,” he said.

Emily and I headed up to my room, and after the usual business of dropping our bags and stopping through the rest room, we both came to stand in the center of the room next to the big table, looking at each other.

“What now?” she laughed.

“Well,” I said, scrubbing a hand through my hair. “I should probably check in on everyone, say hello to my should come.”

“Or maybe I should let you talk to your sister alone first.” Aubrey hadn’t been completely welcoming to Emily at first, but I knew my sister liked her now. Still, I wouldn’t force it.

“If you’re sure. I’ll go see how they’re doing.”

“Yes, do that.” Emily smiled and touched the tip of my nose with her index finger.

“Will you be okay for a few hours?”

She grinned at me. “I’m good on my own. I have lots of prep to do for our next adventure.”

I kissed her and headed for the door, eager to see everyone, to check in, but without the urgent drive that had pushed me to worry constantly before. “I’ll be back before dinner, and we can head down together.”

“Sounds good,” she said, moving to pull her laptop from the bag she’d dropped at the end of the table.

I stepped out of my room into the familiar landscape of the old staff wing hallway, taking a deep breath and recognizing scents that were familiar, but which I’d never really acknowledged before now.

As I slowly walked the hallways of my childhood, of my recent struggles, I saw them in a new light. The resort was growing and evolving, in a lot of ways, thanks to my efforts, and I appreciated it now. I took the stairs down to the second floor, making my way to the platform over the reception desk where the two stairways from the lobby met, and I leaned against the railing there, looking down into the lobby. The massive chandelier shimmered in the center of the dark wood ceiling, casting light over the gleaming floors below, illuminating the scattered seating areas and catching sunlight coming in from the windows at the front and back of the space. People meandered, some checking in, some checking out. The whole place had a storied and glamorous air to it, much like I imagined it might have had in its heyday.