“So what do we do?” I asked the company as I stood and leaned my butt against the arm of Ben’s chair. “Just sit here and wait out the storm?”
“I doubt our foes will be that patient,” Callidus mused as he swept his eyes over the walls. “We must stay wary and each of us keep watch for trouble.”
“I’ll be the first to take up that assignment,” Ben offered as he eased himself out of his chair.
I grabbed his arm and glared at him. “You’re in no condition to do anything but rest!”
He grinned. “All I need is some warm broth and a short time here at the fire, and the chill will wear off.”
Callidus shook his head. “I would have to agree with Miss Lucas. She would be better prepared to take your spot until your recovery is complete. If this brings you comfort, I will join her in her watch.”
I lifted an eyebrow and the commander didn’t look any more pleased than I was confused. “I would rather you remain in the center of the house, Your Majesty,” Edouard insisted.
The emperor shook his head. “We need all the hands we can get and I am glad to say my rusty skills with magic had some effect on our foe.” His words brought to mind a memory of him standing in the doorway with his arms raised and the unnatural wind blowing about him. Edouard opened his mouth to continue his objections, but Callidus raised his hand and shook his head. “I will not accept any objections to my proposal, however well-intentioned they may be. If you desire to stand guard then I suggest you take this time to rest while Miss Lucas and I inspect the house.”
Fysan flapped his wings. “I offer my services in showing you about the house.”
Callidus smiled and inclined his head to the owl. “I have no choice but to accept your offer. It’s been far too long since I was here, and my memory of the layout is not completely trustworthy.” The emperor turned to me and swept an arm toward the door. “Shall we?”
I noticed a look from Ben. “I’ll be there in a moment.”
“Then we shall meet you in the entrance hall,” Callidus suggested as he beckoned to his fuming guard.
“Gentlemen,” Dreda called to them as she gestured down to Werd. “Before you vacate the room, would it be too much trouble to ask for your help in moving him upstairs?”
Callidus smiled and bowed his head. “Of course.”
Together the three humans, Fysan, and their burden exited the room, closing the door behind them. I turned to Ben and saw that a dark cloud had settled on his brow. “You look more worried than usual.”
He cast his eyes to my left hand, specifically my wrist. “Your ribbon is hastily tied. I can almost see your true self.”
I crossed my arms over my chest and feigned a look of anger at him. “And what’s wrong with my true self?” The dire expression in his eyes quelled my good humor and I dropped my arms to my sides. “Why does that matter? I don’t mind you seeing me.”
He nodded at the door. “The emperor may look like the usual regal ruler, but he has more magic than is common among most people.”
“I kind of noticed with that wind trick,” I pointed out.
“That was merely a sampling of his strength,” Ben warned me as he folded an arm over his chest and cupped his chin in one hand. “The marriages of his ancestors weren’t always for money and land. Sometimes they mingled their blood with those of powerful magic to enhance their innate abilities so they might wield their heirlooms more effectively.”
I winced and set my hand over the canister. “You don’t think he knows what I’m holding, do you?”
“We’ll have to hope not, otherwise Edouard will be a very happy man seeing our faces behind bars after so long,” Ben mused. “As for the ribbon, keep it well tied and watch what you say around the emperor. He has a way of disarming people.”
“Now you tell me. . .” I muttered as I followed Ben to the door.
We rejoined Fysanin the hall. The owl sat atop a wooden statue of a soldier and glared at us from on high. “My Lady’s guests will be down presently. You’re to wait here until they return.”
A rumble of thunder made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I whipped my head up to Ben whose concern reflected my own, though more subdued. “This storm’s going to get worse before it gets better, isn’t it?”
He nodded. “Unfortunately, yes. Whoever is controlling it must be taking their time for the buildup.”
“Can one person really control the weather like this?” I asked him. “I mean, maybe it’s a whole gaggle of wizards.”
He folded his arms over his chest and furrowed his brow. “It’s possible there’s a group of magic users, but it’s just as possible that our foes have paid handsomely for a very good service.”
“Undoubtedly one of the best,” Callidus spoke up as he and Edouard descended the stairs and rejoined us at the bottom step. “I am familiar with only a few people who are capable of such sorcery and I am one of those few.”