Page 21 of Storms and Crones

The man shrugged. “Maybe it was, but that was a long time ago. Now I have a new love and-” He reached over and tried to snatch the bottle from Ben, but my companion held it out of reach. Dugal scowled at him. “Now listen here, young whelp. I’ve swiped that fair and square, so don’t go doing any take-backs.”

Ben smiled at his former discipline master. “The only thing that’s being taken is you straight home. Where are you living?”

Dugal patted the barrel on which he sat. “Here, my boy, and here I will stay until you give me back that-hey!” Ben had, in one fell swoop, stooped and flung Dugal over his shoulder. The man thrashed, but in his condition he had all the strength of a toddler and all the success of a blind roofer. After a moment Dugal went limp and sighed. “Alright, lad, you’ve got me, but don’t go expecting me not to pay you back for this.”

Ben handed me the bottle and patted his old acquaintance on the leg. “Don’t feel too bad. This was bound to happen sooner or later. Now then, where can we take you?”

“Straight to the bowels of the earth so I can keep my dignity. . .” Dugal muttered.


“Just take me anywhere, you dolt!” Dugal snapped as he pounded a fist against Ben’s back. “Just get me away from all those eyes staring at us!” We had indeed attracted a crowd, and many of them looked on with amusement.

Ben caught Ferox’s gaze. “We’ll be back. Don’t toss too many people.” The horse bobbed his head.

Ben walked us onto a side street and out of view of the curious crowd. His prodigious strength meant he carried the man well, and Dugal took the opportunity to focus his attention on me as I followed close behind.

Dugal leaned his elbow against Ben’s back and cupped his chin in his hand as he admired me. “Ya know, Ben, I would’ve recognized your ugly mug sooner if this beauty hadn’t been blinding me.”

I snorted. “You sound like you have practice saying that.”

He gave me a toothy grin and shook his head. “No, miss. There are few who can outshine Ben here, but your aura brightens up the whole world.” He nodded at the canister on my arm. “That’s helping, I imagine. What have you got in it? Captured a ray from the sun?” My slow mind couldn’t think of a clear reply.

Ben twisted his head around to cast one eye at me. “Though he doesn’t look nor act it, Dugal here has quite the talent with magic. He’s an expert at reading auras.”

My eyes widened as a thought struck me. “Then maybe you know someone named Ealdan.”

Dugal’s eyebrows crashed down and he sobered up real quick. “Ealdan? What are you wanting with that thing?”


Ben jerkedto a stop so violently that his load nearly slipped off. “You know Ealdan?”

Dugal glared at his carrier. “Ya think living around here as long as I do I wouldn’t know a legend such as that?”

“You mean he’s not real?” I guessed.

Dugal returned his attention to me and folded his arms over Ben’s back before he shrugged. “I wouldn’t say that. I just heard that he’s shy, that’s all. Doesn’t like people prying into his business.”

“Could you take us to him?” Ben asked him.

Dugal covered his mouth as he yawned. “Maybe, but not today. I’m all tuckered out.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “But it’s only morning.”

“And it’s been a long morning, miss,” Dugal countered as he rapped his knuckle against Ben’s back. “Now take me to the nearest sty and toss me in.”

Ben readjusted the man’s weight and Dugal bounced about. “How about I’ll take you to your favorite spot in the woods?”

A dark shadow settled on Dugal’s brow and his amusement was dampened. “Best not, lad. It’s not safe for anyone to be out there. Not since that fog came in.”

“Do you know anything about it, Mr. Dugal?” I wondered.

He wrinkled his nose. “Drop the handle, miss. It’s only Dugal. As for yer question, I don’t know more than anyone else. Something’s spoiled the air in those white clouds. You’d best keep away from them if ya know what’s good for ya.”

I snorted. “A little too late for that. The fog tried to attack us earlier.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Did it now? How?”