Page 17 of Storms and Crones


“I mean eager to jump my bones.”


I slumped forward and sighed. “I need a translator. . .”

He smiled and his eyes danced with mischief. “I believe I may know to what you’re referring but we’ll have to save this conversation for another time. There’s just one little chore we need to do before we leave.”

I lifted an eyebrow but my eyes fell on the dresser where the canister with its precious prize lay. “What about that?” I asked him.

“You had better bring it in case we find this ‘Ealdan,’” Ben advised.

I strapped the canister to my arm and Ben led me downstairs to the library where we found his aunt deep in a book. She looked up at our coming and the sunlight did nothing to hide the dark shadows under her eyes.

Ben took a seat beside her on the couch and looked her over with a worried expression. “You should get some rest, Aunt.”

She set the book on her lap and smiled at him. “I will in a few minutes, but did you need something?”

Ben nodded. “I was wondering where Werd slept during the day.”

A pained expression slipped onto her face, but that was quickly dispelled by her breeding which made her stiffen her jaw. “He still sleeps at his cottage in the woods, and I understand where you are going. Yes, you may see him.”

A little bit of color drained from my face as I realized what Ben intended for us to do. We were going to pay a visit to the semi-vampire. The only thought that kept some color on me was the fact that we would be visiting him during his hibernation hours.

Ben set one of his hands atop hers and smiled. “Get some rest.”

He stood and I followed suit. We slipped out of the room, but I paused just outside in the hall and looked back. Dreda remained seated on the couch but she had bowed her head. A few glistening tears shone on her cheeks and she grasped her hands together to stop their shaking.

My heart bled for this woman in such dire need. I only hoped I wouldn’t literally be doing that in a few minutes.

Ben waited for me just down the hall and together we ventured to the entrance hall. Fysan was perched upon a bust near the door and his sharp eyes studied us. “I would have you bring us some supplies while you are in Scima.”

Ben lifted an eyebrow. “Like what?”

Fysan lifted one claw and showed off a rolled-up piece of paper. “Like this.”

I took the paper and my fumbling hands dropped one end. The paper rolled down to the floor and I gaped at the two feet of items. “Why this much?”

Fysan fluffed his feathers. “Werd used to fetch the supplies for the house, but he hasn’t been able to do so in quite a few weeks.”

“So why don’t you go?” I asked him as I rolled up the shopping list.

He wrinkled his bushy eyebrows. “Some of the shops don’t allow me to enter. The fools believe I will filthy the place with my presence.”

Ben’s eyes glistened with glee. “They believe you’ll filthy the place with your droppings should they irritate you.”

Fysan turned his head to one side and lifted his beak. “That is enough talk. Go and fetch the supplies or I shan’t be able to make so much as a dessert tonight.”

Ben bowed his head. “Then we’ll be sure to fulfill your list provided and I’ll put in a good word for you to the merchants.”

The owl scowled at him as Ben scooted me away. We slipped out of the house and into the cool morning air. A heavy fog still lingered in the woods as Ben nodded at the trees to the left of the house. “Werd’s house is this way.”

We had only taken a few steps when a whinny from the stables caught our attention. “Ferox?” I called back. The response was another annoyed horse noise.

“We’ll be there in a few minutes,” Ben assured him. There was a stomp of a hoof and then silence.

We ventured across the dirt driveway and past the house. A path existed between the home and the stable, and it was down that trail that Ben took me. The way was narrow and evidently little used except by Werd himself. The thick forest and winding trail meant we soon lost sight of all evidence of civilization save for the path on which we walked.