“If anyone can hear me, you better tell your boss to get me the hell out of here!” I cupped my face in my hands, growled, and landed a kick to the door. “Freaking…. Shi—dammit!”


There was nothing I hadn’t murmured under my breath or cursed out loud. And yet, no response seemed forthcoming. The more I pressed my ear to the door, the more deafening silence reechoed.

It was like I hollered and yelled into a vacuum just to have my own voice reverberate. I was caught up between frustration, annoyance, and tears. And I swore, I didn’t want to cry, but I felt choked up.

The walls of my chest constricted tightly, and I kicked the door again. The wood was hard, and the impact sunk back into my sneakers and to my toes.

My fingers curled, and I hissed sharply. “Son of a…!”

God, how had I ended up here?

Wouldn’t it be nice to act that part—the part of the oblivious detective who’d found herself stuck in a dark room with nice-smelling furniture and luxurious blue curtains that rustled with the softness of the summer breeze?

But playing that role was only bound to prolong the days of my captivity, whichwas the total opposite of what I wanted—what Ineeded.

I needed to get out of here.Fast.

And I certainlyknewhowI’d gotten abducted. I wasn’t about to forget the daunting memory any time soon.

When I’d woken up with a start a while ago, everything came rushing back to me. Jogging back home from the gym, Ruby’s text, the compromised door, and finally, the most interesting part: having a gun shoved into my back.

Secretly, I hope that wherever that brute was, he was nursing a black eye just like I was.

I winced, partly limped back to the bed, and battled the urge to kick the foot of the bed frame.

Life was generally hard, and brewing up several escape plans was not an easy task, unlike how some movies made it seem.

I nibbled on my lip, contemplating ways I could disappear from the room.

The only thought that bounced back was the window.


I considered it.

The window.

Thoughts sped through my mind.

Maybe I could climb my way out or jump, if I had to. Anything that would help me disappear was more than welcome.

I walked over to the velvety curtains. With a swipe, I parted it and felt my stomach sink because…before me was a view through the tall ceiling-to-floor panoramic windows that normally should have snatched my breath away.

It was dark outside: pitch-black night sky with nothing but city lights glimmering underneath the vast blanket. I could almost hear the sounds on the street, but then again, I couldn’t.

Because the windows are soundproof.


I was caged.

Wherever this was, it most definitely wasnotLos Angeles.

I stood in place, watching the lights from tall towers flicker, when I heard the door behind me creak open beforeshutting. I didn’t turn around. Couldn’t even dare to. But I knew it was him.

I could easily tell by his stealthy, majestic walk on the carpet, like a king lion, and the fresh and expensive scent, like a mix of raindrops on grass, a mildness of gushing spring, and musk—if that even made any sense. His steps were light on the rug, only stopping when his foreboding presence loomed behind me. We were both silent until he finally spoke, his words cold and cutting.