“Anything,” Idris responded, and my thighs caught fire. My cat pushed her paws into me, making biscuits some would call it. I called it needing to exert pent-up energy. And all their voices were giving me ideas.
“I love brunch,” I blurted. “Breakfast food of any kind, but especially brunch.”
“Hale is the main cook around here, and he makes some mean crepes.” Lachlan. I could discern their voices now.
“Crepes are one of my favorite things,” I purred. My cheeks burned.
“Good thing I can make them, then,” Hale said.
Idris and Lachlan asked me more questions, and I answered and volleyed back some of my own.
My cat didn’t need to learn anything more, sassy girl that she was. She wanted me to pack my bags and head straight for…wherever they lived. An hour time difference…not too far probably.
I let out a yawn and tried to cover it, but Idris asked, “Audrey, I’m sorry. Are we keeping you up?”
“A little. Oh, it’s midnight. I’d better get to bed.”
We said our goodbyes, but Lachlan cleared his throat. “Audrey, is it too soon to ask you if you want to video chat with us? We’d love to see you and talk at the same time.”
Nerves bundled in my belly. My cat wanted nothing more than to take this step and, the truth was, so did I.
“When?” I prompted. Hell yeah, I was ready to see more than just their pictures. I needed to see how they moved. How they smiled. Their gestures that made them unique and special. To see how they looked at me. Their eyes would tell me everything I needed to know about their sincerity.
“Tomorrow,” Hale stated.
“After work?” I asked.
“Of course.” Idris hummed and the sound warmed me from the inside out.
“It’s a date.
I never even thought of using this connection for my channel.
Chapter Fourteen
Explain, please.Audrey’s answer to my suggestion came as no surprise. Hell, I was shocked I’d even thought of it, but the way the woman moaned when she talked about brunch gave us a huge hint about her. The woman’s soft spot was food.
Thank the gods.
We are going to sit at a table and eat a meal while video chatting with you also having a meal. It will feel like a date-ish.
I added theishbecause in addition to sounding excited, Audrey was holding back. She would laugh at something we said or compliment us and immediately get quiet.
That actually sounds fun. See you three after work.
We had plans with her for a long-distance, virtual date.
The last time I was this excited for any kind of date, well, I couldn’t remember.
I got some sleep after my night shift and woke up around ten to go to the supermarket. The supermarket was almost an hour away, but they had infinitely more options than the mom-and-pop down the street, and their prices weren’t so hard on the wallet.
Armed with the makings of a stellar dinner, I put a roast with lots of vegetables and potatoes into the slow cooker and set about cleaning my house. Idris, Lachlan, and I decided to have the video-dinner-chat date at my house since my dining area was a bit more open. Also, I was the one of us who had a concept of keeping things tidy.
I made a beautiful loaf of sourdough along with the dinner and a carrot cake for dessert and had poured myself a cup of tea when Idris and Lachlan knocked on the front door.
“How was the day?” I asked. They had closed down the clinic early since we had no appointments. It wasn’t often we had a free afternoon, but Fate had smiled on us and this time we wanted to spend with Audrey.