The night before, we’d had such a good time. Dinner was amazing. If they ever knew how jealous I’d been eating my grilled cheese while they ate Hale’s creations. The best part of the whole meal was dessert, though because we had individual chocolate lava cakes, I would have rolled over and died if I’d had to watch online.
After dinner, we sat around the living room and talked for hours. It was amazing how easy conversation came with us. They had known one another for years, but adding me to the discussion, well, I’d have thought it might be at least a little awkward. I’d dated enough to know that first dates were not often smooth.
Finally, when my eyelids were heavy and my head was nodding, Hale stood up and reached for my hand. “Why don’t you stay here tonight, Audrey. I’ll show you to the bedroom.” Nobody had mentioned a thing about me sleeping anywhere in particular, and I’d been a little worried at first that they might expect me to have sex with them on this first night. But as the evening wore on, and they never did more than touch my hand, my worries fell away.
“Thanks, Hale. But aren’t I putting you out?”
“No. I will just sleep on the sofa.”
But in the end, we kept talking for a while and I fell asleep on that couch. When I woke up to use the restroom, I found all three guys laid out on the floor wrapped in blankets. They hadn’t wanted to leave…the sweetest thing ever. I didn’t want them to be on the floor, but more than that, I didn’t want to wake them up, so I just returned to the sofa and fell asleep.
I woke to the scent of frying bacon and percolating coffee. If they were trying to convince me to stay here, they were on the right track. Yes, I could indeed be captured by putting out food for me. I was not all that different from my cat in that way.
The blankets they had been wrapped up in were all folded neatly, and when I went into the kitchen, the only one there was Hale.
“Morning, Audrey.” He flipped a row of pancakes on the griddle while bacon sizzled in a pan. “I was going to wake you up when everything was ready, but since you’re already here, we’ve put your bags in my room. Maybe you’d like to freshen up before we eat?”
“Are Lachlan and Idris coming to eat?” Somehow, I was missing them already.
“They went home to shower and get ready for work, but yes, they will be back in few minutes to eat. If you want to shower, you’d better do it now. You are coming to the office with us, right?”
“Absolutely.” I accepted the mug of dark roast coffee he handed me and doctored it with half and half. “You’re an angel.”
“Not really.” He winked. “But I am on my best behavior.”
After another delicious meal, I was even more inclined to stay. But less because of the perfectly round, fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon than because of the three handsome faces who shared the table with me.
And as if that wasn’t enough, we were off to the office, each one taking his own car because they came and went at differenttimes or might need to go out on a call. I rode with Lachlan in the SUV we came in, thrilled to get a look at their workplace. These guys truly shared everything. Their home property, their business…and maybe me.
The thought gave me shivers in the best possible way.
“Here we are!” We parked behind the building in one of the marked spaces. “Ready to see where it all happens?”
“I am.” I started to open my door, but he laid a hand on my arm.
“Let me.”
Such gentlemen. If I stayed here, I’d end up forgetting how to open doors. But I might be able to live with that. “Thank you, Lachlan.”
He took my hand and helped me out of the car. “Right this way.”
We went in the back door just as they were opening for the day, and patients flooded in with all kinds of animals on leashes, in their arms, or in carriers. I settled on a stool behind the check-in counter, not wanting to get in the way, but it was still fascinating to watch the receptionist speak with each client and also, often, to the animal in question. She had the ability to calm the most upset customer and soothe their distressed animals.
After lunch, which we had delivered from the Japanese place in town, while the other two handled a couple of minor surgical procedures, Hale packed his car with several boxes of items. I was intrigued.
Chapter Twenty
I didn’t go out in the field all that often, since as the vet tech, I couldn’t do a lot of things the others were allowed to. Once, I had considered becoming a veterinarian, and every so often, my friends would nudge me to go back and finish that course of study, but for lots of reasons, I chose the job I had. In another practice, I might not have been as happy, but as things were, I very much enjoyed what my day held.
While the doctors did a lot of this themselves, I was legally allowed to do physical exams and run tests to help the doctors diagnose. Also, administer meds and do all sorts of other things, including give vaccinations. Mainly, I was supposed to provide support for the doctors, which could also mean things like handling anesthesia and assisting in surgery.
As a registered vet tech, my duties were broader than a veterinary assistant who did not have the testing requirements I had faced and passed. This afternoon, my task was visiting a few of our farmer clients to administer vaccines to various animals. I always enjoyed these opportunities to get out of the office and enjoy the beautiful countryside where we lived.
“Hale?” Audrey came out the back door to where I was putting a box of supplies in the trunk. “Where are you going?”
“Here and there. I have some vaccines to give, some medications to drop off. Essentially, I am going to a few farms and the wildlife rescue. Why?”