Page 5 of Cleo

They all nodded, but when I got up to make my way to the office, I heard Ava said, “Wait, why is she running away from him?”

Chapter Five

I sped to the office to escape having to tell my newly found sisters the truth. That our father was an overbearing, controlling, egomaniac who was incapable of feeling anything for others. Hell, I’d exchanged more feelings with the guards than I ever had with him.

I would have to tell them the truth eventually, but the walls had begun to close in as they asked about Father.

Plus, I couldn’t just meander around this school without registering. They would think I was some vagrant stalking their students.

I went back to the door with the office sign and walked in as my heart fluttered in my chest. I’d been brave about leaving my father, but walking into an office and registering for school flustered me.

“Good afternoon, Miss. Can I help you?” the woman at the desk asked.

“I’m here to register. Or, check in, rather? I think all my records were sent here.”

There was some snickering from the students sitting in chairs, waiting their turn for…something. Didn’t blame them. I sounded like a tool.

“And what’s your name?”

My name. Yeah. That would help. “I’m Cleo Wulf.” I pronounced the W with a V like my father did. A shiver ran down my spine as I heard some of him in my voice. He was proud of the fact that his last name marked him as the original shifter. The original half man, half wolf. A werewolf from the beginning.

“Oh yes. We did receive your paperwork. Let me get some things sorted for you, and we’ll have you registered in no time. You’ll be staying in our dorms, yes?”

“Yes,” I answered. It was either that or on the street. Maybe in that study room I’d been in before with my sisters.

“Sit over there then and wait while we get you sorted out.”

Nodding, I turned around and found a seat in the corner. There were males on either side of me. The only males I’d ever been near were the guards or the random pack alpha who wanted me to be mated to them or one of their sons. Of course, my father said no one was good enough for me.

“You’re new here,” one of the guys to my left said. He had a great smile with dimples on either side of his chin. He wore a white T-shirt and worn jeans. Scuffed leather boots on his feet. Like he’d stepped right out of a farmer’s magazine.

“I am.”Oh right. This is where I introduce myself.“My name is Cleo.”

“I’m Miles,” he said but made no reach for my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“And I’m Jude,” said the man next to him. He leaned forward so I could see him. Gods, that one was trouble. It was written all over his face. He winked at me, and the gesture made me press my thighs together to contain the want. He had dark-black hair, shaved on the sides, longer at the top. Olive skin set off his pale-green eyes. “And on your other side is Pax.”

Pax only nodded. His head was covered by a beanie, a black one. And there was a piercing through the middle part of his nose. I didn’t know males got piercings, but the look suited him. His eyes were sea blue but, as I looked closer, there were streaks of gold in the iris.

“Am I interrupting something? I didn’t realize I sat in the middle of you three.”

“Not at all, sweetheart,” Miles answered, flashing me a grin. “We are awaiting the verdict from the headmistress about us being three minutes late for curfew on a school night.”

“Oh,” I answered. “Will you be in trouble?”

Jude shrugged. “Not really. It’s our first offense. We are good boys,” he said. “What about you? Are you a good girl?”

“Enough,” Pax said, and I shuddered at the way his sonorous voice wrapped around me. My body heated up in response to the resonance of his words. He clearly didn’t say much, but the way he said it turned me on in ways I didn’t know were possible.

“I’m just being nice to Cleo. You just arrived here, female?”

I nodded, still recovering from Pax. “Yes. Just arrived. New student. My sisters are here.”

I was a blithering, blabbering mess around these three. First time in front of males my age, and I had turned into snail goo.

“Your sisters. At least you know someone here,” Miles spoke, as a woman came out of the office and stood in front of us.

“You three get off with a warning this time. Make sure you’re adhering to curfew. And, Cleo, it’s nice to meet you, I’m the headmistress here at the Werewolf Academy. We should get you on your way shortly.”