Page 15 of Cleo

“Shower, now!” Minx gave me a little push. “And we can talk about whether you want the sexiestavailablemales on campus while we do your hair and makeup and pick out your ensemble for the night.”

As I headed into the bathroom, Ava said, “If we ever doubted that she’s our family, this would fix that.”

“She’s a chip off the old sister block,” Minx agreed.

“I can hear you!” I called before closing the bathroom door most of the way. Shifters weren’t worried about nudity,and I wanted to hear whatever they had to say. It was more complicated having relatives of my generation than I’d counted on. “Don’t tease.”

“We’re not teasing.” Kiki’s voice followed me into the shower. “It’s got to be more than a coincidence that we all have multiple mates.”

When I emerged from the stall, my hair up in a turban and a bath sheet wrapped around my body, they moved in like a pack of hyenas, except with makeup brushes and a blow dryer. I’d never worn much makeup, mostly because my father never felt it necessary to give me any. So, the layers and shading and false eyelashes were a whole new experience for me and one I wasn’t sure I felt comfortable with until they stepped back and turned me to face the mirror over the sink.

“What do you think?” Ava, who had taken the lead in the makeup department leaned over my shoulder, a question in her voice. “Too much?”

“No.” I actually had been thinking that, but looking in the mirror, I barely recognized myself. And it wasn’t a bad thing. “Who is she?”

“Sheis you, and you are stunning.” Kiki lifted the silky strands of my usually braided or ponytailed locks. “Should we put it in an updo?”

“It’s not the prom.” Minx smoothed my hair. “Did they say where you’re going?”

“No, they didn’t. Shoot I should have asked.” My pleasure in the new me created by my sisters submerged under a layer of panic. “It matters, right? What I wear? In the compound I wore either the jeans Angie smuggled me or those ridiculous robes Father found appropriate. Why do I think robes are not the thing for a date…even if I’d brought any with me? My jeans are all dirty and I don’t have anything better and—”

They all hugged me, and while I recognized they meant to be comforting, something more happened. My sisters and I melded in some sort of connection I’d never known was possible, and energy built between us. My animals crowded inside me, wanting to see, wanting to know them. It was incredible.

And then, as quickly as it began, everyone moved apart, and they dragged me out into the bedroom. “We brought several outfits,” Ava said. “But since you don’t know where you’re going, black is always a good choice.”

Chapter Fifteen

When the knock came, my sisters ran into the bathroom and closed the door almost all the way.

“I can see you peeking out,” I whispered. “Why don’t you just stay out here and say hi?”

“Because we don’t want to look like a nosy family, but we do want to see their reaction to your transformation,” Ava hissed. “Answer the door.”

I felt like Cinderella if her mean ugly stepsisters were beautiful and nice and watched her on her way to the ball. If that made any sense, and I didn’t think it did. But there was no way to get them out, and they didn’t want to swarm my dates, so peeking from the bathroom it was. And I couldn’t say I didn’t like the backup.

In case my “transformation” was too much for them. They’d only seen the compound version of Cleo. And maybe that was what they liked best. But it was too late to change now, and into what? Dirty jeans?

“Go!” I wasn’t sure which of them said it, but whichever sister was right. How long did I expect three males to stand in the hallway and wait for me to take notice? I stood as straight as possible, inhaled deeply, and let the breath out before taking the few steps to the door and twisting the handle.

Jude, Miles, and Pax were there, all looking very handsome in what the TV show girls would probably have called dressy casual. Jude wore black jeans so tight they stole my breath, a black T-shirt tucked into them showing how trim his waist was, the sleeves straining around his biceps. Miles also wore jeans, but a little looser, and somehow all that did was emphasize his strong thighs, and his white button-down was unbuttoned just one button more than usual, so sexy. And Pax? Who so rarelyspoke up for himself… He still wore the beanie, but it didn’t matter at all.

“I’m all ready.” I gave a wave behind my back to my prep-team. “You all look very nice.” And then I noticed none of them had moved. Oh hell. They did prefer the old me. “Do I look okay?”

I’d fought a little when Kiki held up the leather outfit in “basic black.” And then really protested when they’d gotten me to try it on. The bra top covered very few of my assets, and the pants covered them but left nothing to the imagination. They’d convinced me that the little jacket I could wear over it made it all perfectly respectable, but I wasn’t sure.

And to be honest, when they dragged me back in front of the mirror, it did seem to go with the smooth hair, smoky eyes, and ruby lips. But apparently I’d goofed because my dinner companions were playing statues.

“Want me to change?”

I heard a sharp inhale from behind me and hoped my sisters weren’t about to pour out of the bathroom to go after the guys for not properly appreciating all their hard work. But just then, the trio in the hallway ended their staring contest.

“Never change,” Pax said, quietly.

I wasn’t sure where to go with that, but rather than try, I grabbed the jacket and my purse and moved out into the hallway to join the three males. I wasn’t nearly as nervous as I’d expected, even if I was made up and dressed in a way unfamiliar to me. Miles kept me laughing as we went down in the scary elevator, and Jude took my arm to walk me outside to where a car waited. A very nice car with a back seat where all four of us somehow managed to fit. It was tight, and I had a feeling someone didn’t have a seat belt, but by the time the vehicle pulled away from the curb, I was seated on Jude’s lap, part of the fitting thing, and a belt definitely was over me.

“So, where are we going?” I asked after we’d been moving for a few minutes. Having all of them so close, in fact touching me at the same time was disconcerting. And stimulating. And had my wolf wanting to come out and roll around on all their laps. The other animals agreed. “Is it far?”

“No, we didn’t want to waste the whole evening driving around, especially on a curfew night.” Miles shifted and my thigh brushed his. “We didn’t have a curfew until recently, but your sisters can probably tell you about all the things that happened to make the administration more careful with the student body.”