Page 45 of All Because of You

His cock throbbed beneath his pants, and he searched deep inside himself for control. He slowed the kiss and pulled back. “Hi.” He smoothed Olivia’s hair into place.

She bit her lip, her long lashes touching the apple of her cheeks. “Hi.”

He kissed her forehead and got back on his side of the car, adjusting himself. “Where do you want to go?”

Her chin tilted, gaze focused on him, making him want to haul her onto his lap. “I don’t know.”

“I have an idea.”

Olivia let out an excited squeal as he cut the wheel and made a quick three-point turn.

“Where are we going?”

“The beach,” he said.

“I was just at the beach.”

“I know, and I’m jealous I wasn’t there.”

She cast an apologetic glance in his direction. “I would’ve invited you, but I knew you were talking to your grandma. How’d that go?”

“Good. At least I think it was good. I blurted out that I knew she wasn’t my biological grandma, and I think I hurt her feelings somehow.”

“I’m sure you didn’t do it maliciously.”

“I didn’t. She told me that my father was her son, even though she didn’t give birth to him. She said despite what a DNA test says, she raised him, she stayed up with him, she went to all his games. She was his mother, and she is my grandmother. I couldn’t argue with that.”

“Are you happy now that it’s all out in the open?”

He nodded. “I am, but I also understand why they didn’t say anything. The adoption wasn’t something she thought about. In her mind she was my dad’s only mother.”

“I’m happy it went well… or as well as it could.”

Shane’s eyes caught on Olivia’s hands. She was fidgeting more than usual. “Everything okay with you?”

“Me?” Her voice squeaked. “Everything is fine. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“You seem… I don’t know… like something is on your mind.”

“Daniel texted me.” She let out a loud breath and slumped in her chair. “I wasn’t going to tell you, or anyone for that matter, but I don’t know. The minute I saw you I felt guilty.”

“Why do you feel guilty?”

“He told me he missed me. Wants to talk. He said I could come to the city and stay at one of his apartments.”

Anger from some deep-rooted area in his mind raged to the surface, and Shane’s hands tightened on the steering wheel as he tried to figure out where the hell it was coming from. He and Olivia weren’t anything serious. They were having fun, and the fact that she was having a conversation with her ex shouldn’t have bothered him, but it did.

“He cheated on you.” He and Olivia weren’t together, but he respected her enough not to pursue anyone else while they were doing whatever it was they were doing. Her ex sounded like a grade ‘A’ douchebag, using his wealth to get Olivia back. She deserved better than a promise of an apartment.

Olivia shrugged. “I know, but a conversation wouldn’t hurt.”

“I would just tell him no.”

Olivia laughed. “No one tells Daniel no. As he once told me everything has a price, and he’s willing to pay whatever it is to get it.”

“So, you’re going to let him buy you back?”

“I’m not letting him buy me. If anything, I’m letting him right his wrong by allowing him to help me out. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Besides, if you saw the apartment in Midtown, you’d be hesitant, too.”