Page 38 of All Because of You

Dad shook his head. “No leave them on. I’m not ready for bed just yet.”

Olivia kissed Dad’s cheek and headed to bed. When she was halfway out of the living room, Dad called after her. She spun back. “Yeah?”

“Is Shane the new guy you’re seeing?”

They weren’t technically official or anything, but he did kiss her senseless multiple times. “I guess he is.”

Dad laughed beneath his breath. “Life works in mysterious ways.”

Chapter 11

Shane called Milo for a ride to Olivia’s house. He could have easily walked, but he was in a rush. He really needed to get his own means of transportation.

Milo pulled up, and Shane, already on the front steps, hurried down. The passenger window lowered, and Milo nodded in Shane’s direction. “You can sit in the front,” he said.

Shane opened the door and jumped in, giving Milo a fist bump. “How’s it going?”

“It’s going,” Milo said as he maneuvered a three-point turn with ease.

“What about you? Heard you and Liv were hot and heavy in the alleyway.”

“Word really does travel fast around here.”

“Harper heard from Jasper, our other roommate, who overheard Jean telling Miss Karen. Harper was pissed because Liv wasn’t answering her phone all night. Chicks. Always have to be in on the gossip.”

“Her ex wouldn’t stop texting her.”

Milo shot him a look, and his thick dark eyebrow rose toward his brown hair.

“What?” Shane asked.

“I’m surprised she’s talking to you about her ex-boyfriend, considering you two are a thing.”

“We’re not a thing. We’re just having fun.”

“And you’re okay being the rebound guy?” Milo asked.

“Doesn’t bother me.” Oliva was proving to be a great distraction for him, and he knew she was using him to forget about her asshole ex.

“I couldn’t do it.”

“Do what?”

“The no strings attached thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried it. Several times, but I always wind up wanting more and getting my heart crushed.”

Shane never allowed himself to get too deep, so he wasn’t concerned about the heartache. Though when this was all over, he’d miss Olivia. He was getting used to having her around. “I like her. But let’s be real. A girl doesn’t fall in love with her rebound.”

“And what about you?”

“What about me?”

“What if you’re the one who falls in love with her?”

“That’ll never happen.” Shane simply wouldn’t allow it. There were risks in loving him, and he wouldn’t let anyone take that risk. Not even himself.

“All I’m saying is one person always gets too attached, and unfortunately for me, I’m the sucker. Got sick of nursing the heartache. You seem to have it under control, but if you break her heart, I will have to kick your ass. Just like I’ll kick that rich asshole of an ex’s ass if he ever shows his face in this town. I hope you understand.”

Hearing Milo’s passion in defending his friend made Shane realize what he was missing by keeping himself closed off. It wasn’t enough to change his mind, though. “Olivia’s lucky to have a friend like you.”