Page 36 of All Because of You

He nodded, unsure if he could form words just yet. Her hand tightened on his arm, giving a comforting squeeze. He glanced at her, curiosity overtaking his thoughts. “Did you know?”

“I had no idea. I would have said something. Thinking back, it all makes sense now.”

“Why is that?”

Olivia looked around and shook her head, before guiding him toward the bathrooms and away from curious ears. The alcove for the bathrooms was small and made even smaller with the two of them facing each other.

Earlier he had thoughts of dragging her back here, lifting her up by her ass, her legs wrapping around him as he devoured her with another kiss. He finally got her back here, but circumstances were much different, though, he wouldn’t mind forgetting about what he just learned and taking her mouth with his.

Desire won out, and he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. She squeaked in surprise, then her body relaxed, stepping into him. He ran his hand down the curve of her leg and stopped himself from grabbing a handful and lifting her against the wall. He pulled back, resting his head on her forehead, remembering why they were here in the first place.

“You were saying,” he said with a smile, trying to keep the moment light.

She inhaled, her chest rising and falling, pushing her breasts higher. “If you remember that embarrassing car ride home from the train station, Milo said I had a bit of an obsession with the McConnells.”

“Oh, I remember quite well. Makes me wonder if that’s the only reason you tolerate me.”

She swatted his chest then smiled. “Doesn’t hurt.”

His mouth dropped in feigned shock. She lifted her hand and pressed a finger to his chin, effectively closing his mouth. “I’m kidding.”

“You didn’t have a crush on one of my cousins, did you?” He’d only met Connor so far, but there were more of his generation. And Connor was a good-looking guy with a charming personality to boot.


He stole another kiss then shook his head. “Maybe.”

The apple of her cheek lifted and rounded out with her smile. “It wasn’t really like that,” she said. “I was more obsessed with the image, the grandeur of their life. All the McConnells drove expensive cars. Connor’s first car was a brand-new BMW. My first car was a ten-year-old Honda that leaked oil. All the McConnells were well put together, their pictures were in the society pages, and as a kid and a teenager, I dreamed of living that life. But my dad would get mad at me. It seemed ridiculous to me that he’d care about a silly fantasy, but now it makes sense. He’d been an outsider who’d had a glimpse inside, there was stuff he knew, stuff he kept from me.”

He reached out, tucking a brown strand behind the delicate curve of Olivia’s ear. “Looks like we both had parents who kept stuff from us.”

“But why?”

“That’s the million-dollar question.”

Olivia’s dad had to know something. “Can you talk to your dad? See if he’ll meet me.”

“I can try, but I’ve never seen him like that. He’s not a man to up and leave without warning. He also loves to talk, so the fact that he dodged the chance…I don’t know.”

He cupped her jaw, running a thumb along the softness of her skin. “It doesn’t hurt to ask, right?”

She blinked up, that tender look resurfacing as she stared at him. “I’ll ask.”

Relief Shane didn’t know he was hoping for spread through him. He captured Olivia in a sweeping kiss, tilting her head and parting her lips with his tongue. It’d been long enough, and he needed to taste her one last time before they got back to work.

He felt her moan against his palm, fueling his desire for her. This time he backed against the wall, letting her have control. Her body melded to his, her round breasts pressed against his chest, and her hand snaked up his neck to settle in his hair.

Her grip tightened, and she held her mouth to his, swirling their tongues together in an erotic dance. Sparks ignited in his chest, glimmering at first than exploding and shooting straight to his groin.

His hand tangled in her hair, angling her head and seizing control, needing to take as much as she was willing to give. He took her face in his hold, and they moved as one until her ass hit the wall.

Right now, there was so much he didn’t know, but one thing he knew without a doubt. Olivia Green was potent, and if he wasn’t careful, she could find her way into his dying heart.


Olivia got home well after midnight. The outside light was still on, waiting for her arrival. She quietly opened the door and eased her way in, making sure to be as quiet as possible. She headed to her room when a shadow caught her peripheral, and she jumped back, grabbing her chest.

“Dad! Geez you scared me. What are you still doing up?”