Page 54 of All Because of You

Olivia picked up the twenty. “All that money, and he’s a terrible tipper.”

Shane laughed at her ability to crack a joke after the tension that filled the room only seconds ago.

Shane touched Olivia’s elbow, making sure not to grab or yank her like Daniel had. “You okay?”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I think so.” She looked around at the crowd. “I have to check on my tables.”

“Do what you have to do. We can talk later, if you want.”

“I’d like that.”

She lifted on tiptoes and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. “Thanks,” she said, and he watched as she hurried off to the kitchen, confidence in every step.


Olivia’s hands shook at the array of emotions battling it out in her mind. Part of her was throwing a party for being able to stand up to Daniel, but the other part of her? That part was a damn mess mixed with lingering rage and embarrassment.

Shane had already seen her at her worst; nothing could beat that day on the train. Still, having him witness the disaster that was her relationship with Daniel was humiliating. It’s why she ran off to the kitchen. She didn’t want to face him. Especially since it didn’t dawn on her until today how emotionally abusive Daniel was. He used words and material possessions to manipulate her, and she let him. It was why they lasted for three years. She never challenged him. Never told him no and always praised him and his accomplishments.

She was ashamed for how long she allowed it to go on, but she was also proud at how she finally found the strength to see beyond his manipulation and the courage to stand up for herself.

The rest of the night moved by in a blur, bouncing from one table to the next until the last customer left. Olivia shut the door behind them and collapsed in the closest chair.

Strong fingers dug into the tense muscles along her shoulders, and she closed her eyes, relishing in the relief. She didn’t want to open her eyes and come back to reality. She wanted to stay in this little cloud of heaven for as long as possible. The minute she let the world back in, she’d have to talk to Shane about tonight, and she was still too embarrassed.

Warm breath stroked her ear. “Let’s get out of here. I’ll give you a ride home.”

She wanted to go anywhere he wanted to go, but being in a car with him, there’d be nowhere to run. “I have to help—”

“Connor’s got it under control.” He slid his hand down her arm and laced his fingers with hers, giving her a little tug of encouragement.


“Go!” Connor yelled from the kitchen.

Shane smirked. “Told you.”

“Let me just grab my bag.” She stood, slowly releasing Shane’s hand as she walked backward. Maybe they didn’t have to talk at all. Their fingers unlaced, and she hurried to get her belongings before meeting him at the door.

A cool ocean breeze met her as Shane opened the door and she stepped out into the night. Spring still clung to the air, and while it was a bit chilly, Olivia welcomed it over the oppressive humidity that was bound to appear soon.

Main Street was empty. All the businesses were dark, and the only light that still shone bright was over McConnell’s. In a few weeks all that would change as people made their way out to the east end for their summer getaways.

Goosebumps popped up along her arms, and she hugged herself.

“You cold?” Shane asked.

“A little,” she admitted.

He fell in pace behind her, his large hands rubbing up and down her arms, creating friction and warmth. “Better?” he asked.

“A little.”

He wrapped his arms around her, his heat encompassing her. A fiery trail moved along her skin, sparking little fires of desire in its wake. She’d never been turned on so easily, but when it came to Shane all he had to do was touch her, and she was ready to rip her clothes off.

It was like that with Daniel in the beginning… or at least she had thought it was. The more she looked back, she realized their hot and heavy sexcapades had more to do with the thrill of would they or wouldn’t they get caught. With Shane, there was no pretense.

She stopped walking and turned in his arms. His eyebrow furrowed, his lips parting, but before he could say a word, she crashed her lips to his. All her inhibitions that she’d thrown to the curb suddenly gathered and jumped back in her mind as if she used up every last ounce of courage she had today.