Page 29 of Little Nightmare



And now it’s up to me to save him. I’m his only chance at survival, and I won’t let him down.

I decide to wait until dark, when I can use the lightless sky as a veil to move around the area. I’ll stick to the shadows so I can make it back to the bike. I can get the gun Rhett left tucked into the compartment under my seat. He made sure I saw him put it there, and I know there is ammo inside of it. He wanted me to know in case something like this happened. So I could protect myself.

A self-defense course I took a few years back taught me how to shoot. I’m not super experienced with guns, but I know I can make do with what Rhett left for me.

I’m coming back for you, mymonster.

Almost everyonewho was in the warehouse earlier today has left. I’ve been watching what little movement I can, and from mycount, there are only two or three guys left in there with Rhett. I was able to get back to Rhett’s bike and secure the handgun, which was loaded just like I thought, so thankfully, I didn’t have to figure that out. I also found a few different knives, which I placed around my body for easy access if I need them.

I’m approaching the warehouse now. The gravel beneath my feet crunches, but I’m doing my best to tiptoe. Something glints in the moonlight on the ground next to where the men were beating Rhett. It draws my attention and I creep over, carefully. On the ground, next to drops of blood that leaked from Rhett’s wounds is a ring of keys with a black key fob. I tuck them into my pocket and scan the area again before continuing forward. I reach an open door on the side of the warehouse, and I slip through it.

The warehouse is dark, but I follow the glow of light illuminating from the center of the building. I don’t cross paths with anyone as I make my way down a tight hallway and past various pallets of supplies.

Three men come into view as I round a corner, and I hide behind a large cylinder tank. Two of them are walking around the room, visibly anxious, while the other sits in a chair across from Rhett. He’s sitting in the chair backwards with his arms folded on the back. He’s the clear ring leader of the three.

My heart shatters when my vision focuses on Rhett.

He’s actively bleeding in several places. His left eye is swollen shut, and he can barely keep his head raised. The slouched posture tells me he’s feeling defeated. They’re talking, but from this distance I can’t hear what they’re saying.

We’ll have no chance in a fight two against three. I’m far smaller than any of them, and Rhett is in no shape to fight right now. I’ll have to take them out one at a time and I’ll have to be smart about it.

Fight smarter, not harder.

I silently back out of the building, circling around to where I know they’ve been coming and going. I pull out the car keys one of the men conveniently left behind for me, and press the red button twice, setting off the alarm. A car horn begins honking loudly from over the hill, and now all I have to do is ready myself.

Shoving the gun into the back of my pants, I dig into my pocket for one of my knives, flipping it open as soon as it’s in my grasp. There’s a parked truck I hide behind while I wait for one of them to inevitably come out and investigate why there’s a car alarm going off.

It doesn't take long.

I hear the crunch of gravel under his boot before I see him, which makes my heart rate spike immediately. The grip I have on the knife handle is making my knuckles turn white.

He’s getting closer.

Fight or flight instinct kicks in, and I’m antsy as fuck while I crouch, waiting for him to pass by me. Seconds later, he does, and I jump on him from behind, gripping his shoulder with my free hand to hold myself up while I swing my other arm around, sliding my knife across his throat before he can make a sound.

Bloody gurgles pour from his mouth, but he can’t make any sounds beyond that because I’ve cut him so deeply. His jugular is clearly cut because there’s a fountain of crimson spraying from his neck. It doesn’t take more than fifteen seconds for him to clutch his throat and fall to his knees, coating the ground in blood. The man chokes, struggling for air.

He didn’t even see me coming. I ended his life before he had the opportunity to lay eyes on me.

Stepping back, I realize how much of his blood got on me. My hands are completely covered in the warm liquid. Rubbing them together, I feel how sticky his blood is as it shines under the moonlight.

Wiping the blade of my knife on my pants, I quickly fold it, then run my hands across my pants too. They’re too slick to hold a gun.

Once they’re dried off for the most part, I pull the gun from the back of my pants and force myself to breathe. Holy shit! I just killed a man for Rhett.

I fuckingkilledsomeone. With nothing more than my bare hands and a sharp knife.

Two weeks ago, I would have considered this to be laughable and completely out of the question, but I just did it. I took a life for the man I’ve secretly been falling for. He’s in there and he needs me.

And now our odds are even better. It’s two against two, and they still don’t know I’m here, which is definitely in my favor.

Chapter Fourteen