Page 58 of Craved By The Pack

That was all there was to it.

I stopped walking, and so did Ethan, who also had his hands up.

“We’re wondering if you had any room for us to join,” I said. The two guards looked at each other, debating whether or not to let us in. I had no idea what this place was, only that it was surrounded by fucking alphas, and they had some evil purpose for taking omegas.

“Did Henry call for you?” asked one of the guards.

“He did,” said Ethan in a loud voice, trying to sound as confident as possible.

“Oh, alright,” said one of them, allowing us to walk through the compound.

Shit, I couldn’t believe that fucking worked. But this operation was dangerous as fuck, and anything could go wrong at any time.

The sand flew in my face as we walked closer to the main building covered in glass. When we walked towards the building, we were stopped by another guard at the door.

“We’re here to see Henry,” I said immediately, and the guard spoke into a device he was holding.

A few minutes passed, and we were ushered inside to an office. The person sitting behind the desk was tall and with short black hair. I immediately sensed the evil emanating from this dude, who had a kind smile plastered on his face.

A smile of pure evil.

“I know I didn’t invite you here,” Henry said. “But please…sit.”

Chapter 27


Wesatinthetwo chairs in front of his desk while he watched us closely with crossed hands.

“So, what is your real purpose being here?” said Henry.

I licked my lips, hoping to seem as genuine as possible. If I said our real purpose, he may never let Lacy leave. I had to be as discreet as possible with this alpha. He could set his guards on us any time, killing us in the middle of nowhere.

“I was hoping I could join you,” I said, trying not to state what for. Because I had no fucking clue what they did here.

“I don’t think that’s true,” said Henry. “Is your true goal to impregnate omegas or to infiltrate? Did the government send you?”

“I don’t fucking agree with anything the government does,” I said, horrified to think that Lacy could be walking around pregnant right now.

“Hmm, how do I believe that?” he said. "We have caught an alpha or two here trying to sneak out omegas. What makes you think I'll trust you?"

“There’s no way to know that,” I said. “It’s fine if you don’t want two extra alphas to join your team here. I want to help, and it’s my life’s mission. If you do not wish to accept us, that’s okay.”

His face looked deep in thought at that statement. He looked like he was starting to believe me.


“Alright, let me tell you a little about this place, and you can determine if it interests you.”

Later that day, Henry gave us matching uniforms that every alpha was wearing at this place. I was shocked to hear that this was an actual camp to breed omegas, and I never heard of such a thing until now. But of course, we nodded and agreed with everything he said like it wasn't the most outrageous, sickening thing I've heard in my life.

Everywhere he walked us, my eyes scanned every room for Lacy’s long red hair down her back. But I didn’t see her anywhere.

“Now, this is the Heat Observation Room,” said Henry, leading us into a room also covered in glass. The room was filled with computers and chairs that alphas were sitting in. It was a sizeable room, and on the other side, I could see females lounging unknowingly on cushions and getting pampered. My gaze naturally roamed for Lacy. “On the other side of this glass, you can see all the omegas in the Social Room. We can see them, but they can’t see us.”

“Why is that?” asked Ethan, and I nudged him on the elbow. We needed the least attention to us as possible. There were alphas staring daggers at us, hoping we wouldn’t take their assigned omegas.

“Our job is to observe the omegas for signs of their heat. Fainting, fatigue, flushed faces, or signs of pain,” said Henry. “A lot of them will try to hide it, but they've been trained to look for the signs.”