Page 56 of Craved By The Pack

Chapter 26


“Ireallythinkweshould check on Lacy,” said Adrian as he paced around the field. My pack had become despondent, and I started feeling gloomy since we left Lacy. We’d get over her after a few days, but that wasn’t the case. I wiped the sweat from my forehead with a handkerchief.

Every day, I felt the emptiness of her presence. At night, when I imagined another male approaching her- I’d feel sick to my stomach. But she didn’t want me, not after my punishment of her.

“Your stubbornness and her anger issues clash. Like two magnets repelling each other,” said Cooper as he put on his earmuffs before shooting the target at the end of the field.

“But he cansimplyapologize,” said Ethan gruffly. “Now we’re waiting around for another guard duty job, wasting our time when we could be hunting the stalker.”

“She’s not our problem anymore,” I said, trying to end this unending conversation we always seem to fall into during training. The day we left Lacy’s house, my boss scolded me for my stubbornness and the harsh discipline of a fun-loving omega.

Yes, maybe I shouldn’t have put my hands on her.

“Does it hurt to check on her, though?” said Adrian, not letting this go, and I sighed. Some part of my soul wanted to get a glimpse of her again, even though she screamed at me furiously.

“It doesn’t hurt,” I said, rubbing my hand over my head.

“Fuck yes,” said Lucas, smiling. To get a reaction out of Lucas was a big thing, and we all smiled as we looked over at him lifting weights on a bench.

“I’m guessing we’re all in agreement then?”

“Let’s fucking go already,” said Ethan, and every man dropped what they were holding.

I shook my head as we headed to our armored truck. I grinned as I followed behind them. I wanted to apologize and do everything else necessary to see her beautiful face again. Or at least end as friends. This non-communication was hurting me and my pack.But was I ready for her ultimate rejection of me?I knew I didn’t look like the typical alpha she’d date, but I had to try at least.

When we pulled up to Lacy’s house- confusion set in when we saw the open gate.

“She wouldn’t leave the gate open just like that,” said Lucas. We all sat up in alarm, and I immediately dialed her number on my phone. I tried calling her once on our way to her house, but she didn’t answer. I assumed she was still angry at me.

I hopped out when Adrian parked the truck, as adrenaline flowed through my body. I jogged to her front door and knocked.

No answer.

I rang the doorbell, standing there for a few seconds. Nothing.

“Call her band or something if anyone has the number,” I told my pack. If she had simply forgotten to close the gate, it wouldn’t be a problem. But in my gut, I knew something was off. I looked around the door for anything that could be off, but as I twisted the doorknob, I realized it was open.


She would never leave the door unlocked. Guns out, we carefully walked inside.

“We need to split up and see if she’s anywhere. Try not to be loud in case he’s here holding her in one of the rooms,” I said. We all split in different directions, and I immediately bounded up the stairs to her room. The door was wide open, and my heart sank when I saw her messy bed and broken lamp. She would never leave her things in disarray like this.

Something terrible happened when I left her. Every second I spent here meant she was suffering somewhere else. I saw her phone on the bed and carefully walked inside, not wanting to destroy any evidence. Picking up the phone, I saw a bunch of missed calls over the last several days.

After watching her put in the password several times, I logged into it and quickly went through her call log. Her mother, who looked exactly like her, had called the most, and someone named Aunt Jade had called her also.

I called her cousin Olivia first since she knew about us working for Lacy. No answer. Now I was really getting worried about this omega. Next, I called Jade before calling Lacy’s mother. I had to gather as much information as possible before reaching out to her.

“Hello,” said Jade. Her voice was frantic and sounded like she’d been crying.

“Hello, Jade?” I said.

“Who’s this?” she asked, sounding panicked. “Are you the kidnapper? I can’t reach my daughter Olivia or Lacy. What did you do to our girls?!”

“I’m not the kidnapper,” I said amidst her yelling. It took her a minute before she decided to start listening. “I’m Lacy’s bodyguard, and I can’t find her anywhere. Do you have a clue of where she might be?”