Page 76 of Craved By The Pack

“Wait, did you take me to a carnival?” I asked, looking around in awe. I was always surrounded by fans and people- a place I usually avoided at all costs.

“Yes, baby,” he said, looking at me while I drank in the sight. “And it’s all yours for tonight.”

“What?” I squealed excitedly, and he smiled. I looked back at the lights and display, my heart pounding excitedly. “Let’s go, Ryder!”

I could see he was more excited than I was when we walked towards the front booth. Behind the booth sat Adrian with a smirk.

“Tickets, please,” he said, holding his hand out. “Just kidding, kisses for entrance.”

I leaned forward, pursing my lips, and wrapped his hand behind my neck, kissing me sensually.

“God, I missed you this morning,” he said, and I drank in his scent. His essence was all around me, and I smiled.

“I missed you too,” I muttered against his lips.

“Let’s have some fun,” said Ryder, his hand still in mine. I grabbed Adrian’s hand as well, and when I entered the park, I gasped when I saw my entire family there, along with Ben, Ty, and his wife. They were all dressed in ripped jeans and dark shirts.

“Hey guys,” I said to my co-workers.

“It’s awesome your pack was able to reserve this entire park!” said Ben.

“We’re excited to see you again,” said Ty, giving me a one-armed hug. “Glad to see you’re okay.”

“Thank you,” I said. Every time someone mentioned it, I kept thinking back to Olivia. God, how I wished I could see her again. I’d give anything to see her one more time. “I’m glad to be back. I just got home last night.”

Next, I talked to my dads, who were astonished to see Ryder and the rest of my men. My dad, Alex, clapped Ryder on the back, thanking him for saving me.

“You made a good choice there, daughter,” Alex said to me.

“I thought you’d be mad or something,” I said. “You always hated the boyfriends I’d bring home in the past.”

“Because I knew who they were,” he said. “Look what happened with your ex. It's a good thing your boyfriend killed him.”

“Alright, Dad, never mind,” I said, not wanting his opinion anymore on my dating life. But I was glad he at least approved of Ryder. After talking to my fathers, I decided to have some fun with my pack.

“Yes?” said Ethan, who was eating cotton candy.

“Let’s go to the Ferris wheel,” I said as they all surrounded me. They agreed wholeheartedly while I took a ton of pictures. I felt extra cute today, and I wanted pictures. It was an amazing feeling being high up in the air and seeing all my friends and family below us enjoying their day.

Cooper squeezed my hand, and Lucas kissed my shoulder. It was the best day of my life, but Olivia was still missing…

“What’s wrong, baby?” said Cooper, who had been observing me the entire time.

“This was one of the best days in my life,” I said. “But I feel guilty.”

“Because?” asked Lucas.

“Olivia is still trapped in that hellhole,” I said.

“I know,” said Cooper. “They’re looking for her, and they’ll save every omega in there. There’s nothing you can do now but wait.”

I nodded, feeling reassured as I leaned against his shoulder. The ocean looked so beautiful from high up, and being in the same little space with my pack comforted me. I wished it could be like this forever.

After we got off the Ferris wheel, Ryder turned to me and waved over for everyone to come over. I looked around, confused. My family and co-workers stood around us, smiling.

I wondered if Ryder was about to give a speech or something.

Under the glowing lights of the Ferris wheel, my bodyguards and I stood, their faces illuminated with affection and anticipation. The carnival's lively atmosphere surrounded us, but for that moment, it was as if time had slowed down, and it was just us.