Page 60 of Craved By The Pack

“Thank god,” sighed Olivia. Even she looked like the weight of the world just dropped from her shoulders. “We’re so fucking lucky.”

“I know,” I said. “Let’s go eat. Suddenly, I’m like real hungry.”

“Me too.”

After eating breakfast in the Social Room with Olivia and her new friends, I decided to go downstairs and see if there was a chance I could see Ryder again. It was probably irresponsible, but I knew there were always alphas roaming around downstairs.

“I’ll be right back,” I told Olivia as she chatted with the two sisters. She nodded to me. I could tell there was a new glow to her now that there was a chance we were going to escape. I was also excited but very impatient as I slowly walked down the staircase. Just as I guessed, there were quite a few alphas down here. I looked around for Henry to tell him about Jordan’s mistreatment, but I was also secretly looking for Ryder.

“What do you need?” asked an alpha as he spied me coming down the stairs.

“I’m looking for Henry. I have a complaint,” I said.

“Oh, he’s right over there,” he said, pointing to the general gathering of alphas who were conversing in low voices and standing around.

My stomach flipped when I saw Ethan with his long, scruffy beard. He saw me, too, from across the room and winked. I smiled instantly. I was so happy to see him there, and the familiar feeling of warmth pricked my belly. Our last intimate time together was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.

Suddenly, I felt a hard grip on my arm.

I looked over my shoulder, panicked to see Jordan and his angry red face.

“Come with me,” he said. He dragged me to one of the rooms nearby and slammed the door. My heart was beating so fast I wanted to cry with fear. I was never so scared in my life. “I saw you smiling at the new guy.”

“I was just being polite,” I said, my eyes on the ground. I didn’t want to escalate things now. I was almost out of this stupid place and regretting ever coming down here to see Ryder. I would have all the time to see Ryder later.

Jordan’s spittle flew in my face as he neared me. His grip tightened on my arm until I felt like he would break it.

“I’myour alpha handler. Do you get that, bitch?”

“Yes,” I whispered. “I’m sorry.”


I was surprised to see Lacy in the flesh when she came down those stairs. Her beautiful delicate features in her simple yet sexy beige dress made my cock hard as soon as I set eyes on her. She was here and alive.

I winked at her when she saw me, and I delighted in her joy of seeing me. I was glad she didn’t hate us anymore, thank fuck. But when I looked back, I saw some other alpha dragging her off into a room.

“Excuse me,” I said to the alphas, who were in the middle of introducing themselves to me. They looked affronted that I would stop them, but I didn’t fucking care. I had to know if my Lacy was alright. I rushed to the room she was held in and saw him angry and shouting at her. I smelled her scent of fear at being yelled at by this abusive alpha.

“Hey! What did she do to you?” I asked, even though the sight of his hand on her arm made me want to rip him to shreds. He was causing my omega distress. He released her and turned his rage on me instead.


Because if he touched me, I was going to kill him. I didn’t give a fuck. All gloves would be off. I positioned myself in the middle of them, so if he had to touch her, he’d have to go through me. And that wasn’t going to happen.

“She belongs to me,” he said, eyes flashing.

Anger bubbled in my throat. My hands clenched as I tried to keep calm.

“Then why are you shouting at her?”

“I can shout at her if I want,” he said smugly. “Stay away from her. She’s never going to be yours. This bitch belongs to me.”

My fist struck his face within seconds.

The next thing I knew was that he was on the ground. I knelt over him, repeatedly punching his face as he tried to shove me off.

No one disrespected my omega.