Page 54 of Craved By The Pack


Mystomachwasinknots as I lay in bed on my first night here. I didn’t want to be here at all, but I didn’t have a choice as I waited for my assigned alphas to enter my room.

All day, Olivia and I enjoyed the spa. I had pedicures and even had my hair done by the many hair stylists here. There were so many secret rooms with different services that I thought I was on vacation. I forgot why I was here until 9 o’clock hit, and everything was shut down.

We were reluctant to go into our rooms until some of the guards demanded we go into our room for the night. That was the first time I saw them getting annoyed at us. So I was wearing pajamas now with the most coverage even though it still showed all my thighs and arms. I couldn’t close my eyes and sleep as I waited for the impending doom.

I heard the bedroom door open, and my heart pounded faster. I stared at the forms of two hulking males in the dark, and when they came nearer, I could make out the face of Jordan and another alpha I had never seen before. They wore just black robes with nothing on underneath. I shivered in disgust, seeing their bare chests.

I wanted to puke.

“Hello, Pinkie,” said Jordan. His voice was the most evil voice I’ve ever heard. I could swear it never sounded like that before.

“Can’t I get assigned a different alpha, please?” I said.

“Are you still refusing me even now?” asked Jordan, eyebrows raised as he approached the bed. He stopped at the edge of it.

“Why would you think I’d want you?”

“Come here,” said Jordan, pulling me by the hand out of bed. He wasn’t waiting one bit. “Remove all your clothes. As you know, this is when we bring you to heat. If not tonight, it’ll be through several sessions, which I’m sure you’ll enjoy.”

I stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by these males who were staring at me like I was their last meal.Why didn’t they bother some other omega who wanted this?

“Jordan, please, I know you’re not like this,” I said. “You would never hurt me.”

He tilted his head to one side, smirking, and I knew I had lost him completely, and the Jordan that I knew from before was completely erased.

“I’m not going to say it again, Lacy,” he said.

With shaking fingers, I removed my tank top, and I could feel their gazes burn onto my skin as they stared at my breasts. I couldn’t look up at them as I gripped the waistband of my shorts and panties, letting them slide to the floor. I stepped out of it and placed a hand over my pussy to cover myself. With my other arm, I covered my chest as much as possible.

But I knew it was in vain.

“We’re going to touch you. This step is for you to get used to us,” said the second alpha.

He had short green hair and a piercing in one ear. He was short but stocky. My chest was heaving with panic as he ran a callused thumb down my left arm. Jordan was to my right, and he rubbed my thighs. His hand trailed across both thighs, gripping and releasing. Their alpha scent wasn’t desirable to me. All I smelt was cigarettes from them and liquor. I despised every second of this, and now I knew why I never wanted to give up my virginity to Jordan while I quickly gave it away to Ryder.

Oh, Ryder…the thought of him made me want to cry.He just wanted to protect me from this.

“Your cheeks are pink, and you’re breathing so hard,” said Jordan soothingly. But his voice was nothing but soothing to me. “Let’s get you over to the bed, sweetheart.”

They each held me by the hand and walked me to the bed. Every step felt like death to me.

“Are you going to knot me or something?” I asked, hating how shaky my voice sounded to my ears.

“Not until you go into heat,” said Jordan, watching me as I lay on the bed on my side. He untied the rope around his bathrobe and lay in front of me while his comrade snuggled up behind me. I could feel his thick, hairy thighs brushing against the back of my legs.

I was mildly relieved they weren’t going to knot me tonight. Especially since I hadn’t had my heat suppressant pills for hours now. I was pretty sure it was wearing off, and if I was to get knotted, it was immediate pregnancy. An alpha’s knot ensured an omega got pregnant, with not one drop of semen going to waste due to the knotting. But the most fertile time for an omega was during their heat. I was deathly afraid of that happening.

“How long does it take an omega to go into heat without her pills?” I asked as his hands roamed over my side, eventually rubbing my breasts.

My pulse rate increased with every touch, no matter how hard I tried to fight it- I was getting horny from the touching and cuddling. The alpha behind me was rubbing my butt and squeezing my thighs. Every touch felt foreign to me and unwelcome.

This was unlike the feelings I had with my bodyguards.Former bodyguards.

I was horny, but I also felt sick to my stomach.

“Typically two to five days with help from the alphas,” said Jordan, circling my belly with his finger. “Are you getting excited at the thought? Omegas love getting knotted during their heats. You’re going to be so wild for my cock.”