Trouble hummed, running his nose along hers, then kissing her forehead.
“You’re a kick ass doctor, baby, and you help so many people—many of them reckless, dumbass bikers, who know better than to get into fist fights with drunken idiots. Doing what you did yesterday, doesn’t undo all the good you’ve done, it doesn’t unsave the lives you’ve saved. It rid the world of one evil asshole, an evil asshole who would have kidnapped, tortured, and killed more girls than the ones AFK already found. You saved lives, baby, whether you know them or not.”
Choking on the fear, the relief, and the absolute love she felt for this man, Liz let the tears slide down her face.
Trouble kissed her lips, a gentle kiss that wiped away the negative, and let all the beauty of that moment shine through.
“You are an incredible woman…and I wished I’d been there to see you grow into such a brilliant, amazing, badass woman,” Trouble rasped against her lips.
Swallowing, she whispered thickly, “Thank you.”
His eyes dancing with happiness unimaginable, he smiled down at her. “I love you, Skizzy, so fucking much that my heart—and my balls—ache with it.”
She threw her head back, laughing, her heart lighter than it had been since her parents were alive. “Your heart and your balls, eh? So, does that mean I should love you with my heart and my tits?”
He chuckled, his green eyes darkening to wicked. “Or your delicious pussy—I’m not picky.”
She laughed again, the sound melting away as she looked up into his face, taking in the love, the adoration, the desire, the need in his expression.
“I do, ya know…I love you.” Her heart racing, she let her eyes tell him the whole truth of it. “I never stopped loving you.”
Agony and ecstasy flashed through his eyes before he squeezed them shut, as a look of profane deliverance etched itself into his face. Deliverance…as though he’d been freed, saved, delivered from something heavy, dark, destructive.
When his eyes opened, her breath caught at the light and joy in his emerald green gaze. Clear. His eyes were clear of the darkness that had been in them for so long.
“Trouble?” she whispered, her voice husky with emotions.
Shaking his head, he smiled, showing those damn dimples. “I’m good, baby. So fucking good—and I’ll be even better if you agree to wear my property patch.”
Giggling, Liz blurted, “You mean my very own Savage Raiders ol’ lady kutte?”
His eyes widened in surprise.
“Why are you shocked? I hang out with Tessa, Fae, and Skathi all the damn time, and those girls never shut up about owning their men.”
Trouble guffawed into the ceiling. “You do own me, baby, savage heart and soul.”
She smirked. “You’re damn right I do.”
He grabbed her, crushing her to his chest.
“Come on,” Erika called, shuffling into the room and effectively breaking them apart. “Let’s go!” Without another word, Erika ran to the door, threw it open, and disappeared into the day outside.
Liz laughed, and Trouble joined her. “Guess we better get going before she drives herself to the aquarium.”
“Damn, that girl sure is trouble,” he remarked, the smile on his face lighting up the goddamn planet.
Her heart full, her soul soaring, she gazed into the eyes of the man she loved, the man who broke her, saved her, then helped put her back together again.
Taking his big, rough hand in hers, she purred, “Everyone needs a little trouble.”
Liz smirked, turning to flash her new kutte at the women gathered around the table. Their men were all in Church, doing whatever it was that club officers did in their secret biker man cave.
“Ooo, bitch, when’d you get that sweet ass kutte?” Tessa teased, snatching Liz into a rib cracking hug. “Trouble finally pulled his head out of his ass and make things official?”
“Something like that,” Liz cooed, winking. “He gave me the kutte, and then demanded we move in with him—not that I argued with him about it.”
They’d spent the previous day at SeaQuest, enjoying their first outing as a family, and when they’d gotten home that night,and Erika was down for the count, Liz and Trouble made good use of his bathtub, the bathroom vanity, his dresser, and his bed.