Page 70 of Savage Heart

At his suite door, he halted, staring down at the unlatched lever. It was ajar. He growled; he’d locked the door before he left it more than five days ago. He’d used the shower after helpingSaint move some crates, and he got mud and sweat caked into his skin.

Who the fuck…?

His jaw taut, his body tense, prepared to eviscerated whoever was on the other side of the door, Trouble slammed the door open, stormed through the doorway, and halted once more.

Well, he found Amelia.

She was on his bed. In his room. How the fuck had she gotten through the locked door?

Naked as the day she was born, presenting herself with legs wide open, breasts cupped in her hands, Amelia grinned at him, her eyes hooded.

“Welcome home, baby,” she purred. “I’m so glad you finally came to your senses, sending Toke for me.” She pouted, her filler-pumped lips puffing up even more. “You could have just called me; I would have been here in a heartbeat. But, now that I’m here, what do you say I make you feel good?”

Stunned. Shocked. Disgusted. Fuckinglivid, Trouble turned around, slammed the door shut to keep other eyes from seeing her and getting the wrong fucking idea, then he pulled his cell from his pocket, texting Saint, because Trouble wanted to know why his door wasn’t locked, and he wanted the man to come up and escort Amelia to a guest room once their conversation was over.

That done, he shoved his cell back into his pocket, leaned back against the door to remain as far from the crazy as fuckwoman as possible, and crossed his arms. He’d be damned if he let himself get anywhere near Amelia, especially now that he had so much more to lose than ever before.

If Liz hears about this….Fuck. He already had an uphill battle with that woman regarding Amelia, and he was finally making headway in getting her to open up a little to him. If she found out that Amelia was in his room, naked, and begging him to fuck her, Liz would reinforce her walls so fast, his head would spin. It wouldn’t matter that Trouble didn’t touch her, and was cutting all personal ties, Liz would see it as just another complication in their already complicated “situationship”—as Fae would say.

“Trouble, baby, what’re you doing way over there?” Amelia cooed, closing her legs and sitting up. She patted the bed beside her, inviting him into his own fucking bed. He grit his teeth, knowing that flaying her alive wouldn’t do a fucking thing but make the situation worse. His earlier conversation with Odin came to mind. Amelia was in his bed, pulling her shit, because she felt entitled to him—because he let her think she was.

Fucking fuck!

Combing his fingers through his hair, he heaved a sigh. Making sure his gaze remained over her collarbone, he pinned Amelia with a look that conveyed both remorse and don’t-fuck-with-me.

“Look, Amelia….” What the fuck was he supposed to say?

What would Fae say?Fae was sweet, thoughtful, and far less acerbic andfuck-shit-upthan Tessa or even Skathi.

“I sent Toke for you because you went behind my back and got in Liz’s face. More than that, you put poison in your mouth about my little girl, and I can’t have that.”

Not reading the room, Amelia’s pout deepened, her eyelash extensions flapping in an attempt to look guileless—like he’d fucking believe she was some kind of ingenue or some shit. Thewoman was about as innocent as a whore in…well, anywhere. Unfortunately, Amelia was a club girl, under the club’s protection, so he couldn’t just kick her to the curb. Besides, she was still a piece of ass the single brothers could have if they wanted, especially now that he wasn’t taking up her time. Wolf, especially, had enjoyed Amelia’s “time” before Trouble had enlisted her services—albeit unknowingly—to put up pits with spikes between him and Liz.

And how well did that work out for you?He mentally cursed, damning his lack of foresight and general “clueless male syndrome.” Apparently, spending time with Fae and Tessa had filled his mind with all sorts of new words about the male “condition.”

“I didn’t mean to say anything about your beautiful daughter, Trouble,” Amelia cooed. The way she said that, made the hairs on Trouble’s arms stand on end. “She looks so much like her daddy, I already find myself falling in love with her.”

And how the hell had that happened? He knew for a fact Erika hadn’t been anywhere near Amelia or the clubhouse, so Amelia’s play at being enraptured by his kid was weird as fuck. But he’d let her play her game because he had other things to deal with.

Fighting the urge to wrap his hands around her neck, he explained, “But you said something, after I told you to leave Liz and Erika alone. Not only that, you got in Liz’s face, Amelia, and that shit isn’t going to work for me.”

Amelia’s expression warped, from pouting to thin-lipped glare. “Why does it matter if I got in her face? She’s just some fat bitch who tried to trap you for your patch. I don’t understand why you’re letting her come around and dig herself into the club like that. Besides, she’s getting in between us, baby. I miss you, and I know you miss me.” Speechless at her fucking audacity, he watched as Amelia crawled down the bed all cat like, and lickedher lips. “Get rid of her, baby. You don’t need her, you have me. She’s the past, I’m your future—I’m basically your ol’ lady already, Trouble.”

What the absolute fuck? Scrubbing his hand down his face, he stepped away from the door and stared down at her. For a moment, something like fear flashed in her eyes, before it was replaced with a calculated, sly look he didn’t like one fucking bit.

“Let’s get this straight, because I’m tired of saying this, you and I are over. We are nothing. I fucked you; I used you like the clubwhore you are. I never actually promised you anything, but I do apologize; I’m sorry if I lead you to believe you were in the runnin’ for my property patch. That shit’s on me, so I take responsibility for it, but that’s as far as it goes. I’m not the man who’s gonna let you string him along, tryin’ to guilt him into givin’ you chance after chance.” He pointed at her, making her eyes narrow. “This is your last chance, Amelia. You are not my ol’ lady; you will never be my ol’ lady—the only woman who would ever wear my patch is Liz. She earned that privilege before she ever got pregnant, so you spreadin’ shit about her trapping me for my patch is bullshit, and needs to stop right fucking now.” He growled at Amelia’s eyeroll, but he continued, knowing his time was short, and he needed to deal with this quick and sharp, like a razor blade to the neck. “For the bullshit you pulled in the med room, for the shit you said, for continuing to spew your bullshit and hate for an ol’ lady, and for comin’ uninvited into my personal space, you are banned from all club properties for the next month. That means any property owned by Savage Raiders MC is off-limits to you; the clubhouse, the bar, the strip club, the pot shop, the garage, and the tattoo studio—”

Amelia gasped and nearly fell off the bed.

“Trouble! You don’t mean that!” she shrieked, making him wince.

“I do mean that. You seem to forget your place, Amelia; I’m the VP, I gave an order, you didn’t fall in line, and now you reap the consequences. There are concrete rules in this club about the way clubwhores and ol’ ladies interact. You are a clubwhore, despite your ideas, which means you respect the ol’ ladies as you would a brother. Liz is as good as my ol’ lady, she’s the duchess of this club as the VP’s woman, and she deserves that respect. You keep flappin’ your mouth about her, we’re gonna have more problems than you can deal with because you can’t use your pussy to dig your way out of a shallow grave.”

Her face leached of all color, her eyes wide and filled with terror, Amelia shook her head.

“I-I don’t believe you, Trouble,” she rasped, her voice shaking, but getting stronger. “I know you love me.” He fisted his hands at that; he only ever loved Liz. “That bitch is using her kid to get to you, I know it. Once she’s gone, you and me, we’ll be together, and Erika will be the perfect addition to our family.”

Holeeey shit, she’s out of her fucking mind!Were there tips in Fae’s romance novels aboutthisshit? He’d have to risk looking like an idiot and ask, since there wasn’t a brother in the club who’d know the first thing about dealing with a crazy woman. Then again…Fang did have that issue with one of his former Bees…. But, nah, he wouldn’t ask that fucker a damn thing; he’d gloat like an asshole about it.