Jerking himself from his memories, he remembered about the knock at the door.
“Come,” he called, knowing who was standing outside the door.
Oleg opened the door and strolled in, another envelope in his hand. He tossed the envelope on Danil’s desk, his face pinched.
Blyad!What the fuck is wrong now?
Danil fought the urge to shoot the man in the face; for all of Oleg’s faults—his lack of personal hygiene, his predilection for fucking underage girls, and his addiction to beef jerky—the man was loyal, hardworking, and very fucking good at getting information.
Danil opened the envelope and scanned through the glossy 5 x 8s inside.
Pictures of Dr. Simpson, the VP of the Raiders, a tall, thick blonde bitch he recognized from other pictures one of his men had taken outside the compound, and a red-headed nurse littered his desk.
“That’s Misha, the nurse. She’s been very good about providing information.”
Danil sighed and leaned back in this high-backed leather desk chair. It was so well-oiled, it never made a noise.
“What information does she have?” he asked, pinning Oleg with an expectant glare.
“Trouble and the doctor are headed to his house, where he plans to put up the doc and the kid until the doc is fully recovered.”
Interesting. “Not the club compound?”
Oleg shook his head, smirking. “No. Apparently, the doc is uptight and doesn’t want her daughter hanging out around dirty bikers, so the VP is bringing them to his house.”
“Details,” Danil barked, suddenly eager to learn more. If the doctor wasn’t secured at the compound, then this just might be the opportunity he needed to reintroduce himself. Once he had the doc, he’d not only have a foothold in a lucrative laundering business, and unrestricted access to the doctor’s body, but he’d also have leverage over the Savage Raiders MC. That kind of power was just what he needed to make his final move against Leonid. With the Raiders in his pocket, it would be simple enough to loose them like the wild dogs they were, and sit back and watch the carnage. The MC would take out Leonid, then get taken out by the Bratva families in Russia, and Danil would ascend to his rightful position of Medev Bratva Pahkan…and the Savage Raiders would be nothing but a bloody memory, staining the desert sands.
“We sent Sonny and Moila to scope out the place,” Oleg offered, but the tension that seemed to roll from him told Danil that what came next wouldn’t make him happy. “The place is on an acre, fenced, no close neighbors, but there is a regular rotation of club members watching the house and the street. The only reason Sonny and Moila got as close as they did was because one prospect went around the corner to take a piss. Sonny got close enough to look over the fence at the back.”
So, the fucker VP had his place on lockdown, but that didn’t mean it was impenetrable. It just meant there’d be blood spilled when Ivan and his men retrieved the good doctor.
“Let me guess, large dogs?” Danil drawled, smirking. The Savage Raiders MC were dogs themselves, so they had no problem with using them as vicious guards. Danil used them himself. They were easy to train, loyal, and worked for raw meat. Then again, they were also easy to kill; bullet to the brain would put down any guard dog—and any Savage Raider.
Oleg shook his head. “No dogs—”
Danil couldn’t stop the smile curving his face.
“But there are cameras. Three of them. One pointing toward the yard, one pointing toward the back door, and the other pointing toward the side gate. No one could get in through the back without being seen. Sneaking in would be nearly impossible from there.”
“All the ground-floor windows look to be secured with locks only, but I wouldn’t doubt that the club VP would utilize security equipment from their own protection company to install alarms, motion sensors, and whatever else the VP orders.”
Savage Protection was one of the top security and protection companies in the US. They made a name for themselves by only employing former military, hiring highly skilled tech wizards,having top tier security systems and equipment, and having a reputation for being badasses. The MC made tens of millions a year from Savage Protection alone, which meant they weresuccessfulat securing and protecting their clients against all kinds of threats.
But they haven’t gone up against the Bratva….
Still, that meant that getting into the VPs house wouldn’t be as easy as Danil had first, so arrogantly, assumed.
Danil bit down on the inside of his cheek so hard, his own blood spilled onto his tongue.
He would not let a fucking biker, a bitch doctor, and her gutless business partner keep him from finally having everything he’d been working for—he would not let twenty years of ass kissing, boot licking, torture, and bloodletting mean nothing.
The doctor would come to him, the biker would come to heel, and Vegas would finally belong to him.
Swallowing down the tangy, warm blood, Danil shifted his gaze to Oleg.