“Tell me what the fuck happened,” he demanded when the other man answered.
His voice pained, Slick reported, “She turned into the Albertson’s parking lot, but it was reckless—she almost hit another car.”
What? That didn’t sound like Liz.
“I was a car behind her, so when that other car swerved to avoid her, it clipped my back wheel. I bit it hard, brother. By the time I was up on my feet, I saw her taillights headed north on River Street. My bike is wrecked, so I couldn’t follow her.”
“You didn’t think to call me before this?” Trouble shouted, jumping to his feet. Behind his desk, Odin was also on his feet, his gaze hard and filled with concern.
His phone beeped, indicating a call coming through, but he saw it was Amelia, cursed, and denied the call, remaining on theline with Slick. Trouble couldn’t deal with Amelia’s drama right now.
“I know I should have called— ” Slick hissed, “—but the ambulance came, and I….”
Fuck. Shit. Right. Slick was hurt.
Shoving his free hand through his hair, Trouble let the panic inside him reshape into anger. But not at Slick, at Liz. What the fuck did she think she was doing, driving recklessly, then leaving her wounded escort behind?
That’s not Liz…she wouldn’t do that.
So what happened?
Something must have happened to make Liz act like that.
Again, his phone beeped. He ignored it.
To Slick, he said, “Get to the hospital, sit tight. I’ll send Saint. We’ll retrieve your bike and take it to Rides.”
Slick heaved a relieved sigh. “Thanks, brother.”
“No thanks needed, brother. We take care of our own.” With that, he cut the call, turning to Odin. “Slick lost Liz when she caused an accident, then took off without him.”
Odin cursed. “What the fuck? You think she’d did it on purpose to get away from him?”
Did she? Fuck, he had no idea. After their heart-to-heart, then pelvis-to-pelvis last night, he was sure Liz was coming around, that she was ready to make a future with him. But…what if her slipping her escort was her way of….
“No,” Trouble barked, shaking his head. “Liz wouldn’t do that. She’s a bitch when angry, but she’d never intentionally hurt someone who didn’t deserve it. I think something else happened, something that made her panic and run off.”
“You think her leaving Slick behind was unintentional, like she had no idea he was hurt and couldn’t follow her?”
Hitting redial, having called Liz that morning to make sure Fae was picking up Erika from school, he listened as her phonerang. And rang. Finally, her voicemail picked up, the sound of her voice making his breath catch.
What if he never heard her voice again? How could he live without her after he’d finally gotten her back in his life? His chest ached, his breath trapped in his lungs. He couldn’t breathe—didn’t want to breathe, if Liz wasn’t okay. If she wasn’t safe.
No, don’t think like that! She’s safe.He had to believe that, because….
“I forgive you….”Last night, everything had changed. For the first time in ten years, he had hope that he could finally be whole again. He had to believe that, too, because the alternative hurt too fucking much to contemplate.
He called Liz again, and again her phone rang to her voicemail.
“Shit,” he spat.
“Doc not answering?” Odin asked, and Trouble shook his head. “I’m sure she’s fine, but I’ll call the girls to see if she’s contacted them.” Before he was even finished speaking, he was already dialing.
Trouble called Liz again. This time, her phone went directly to voicemail. Had she denied the call, or was her phone dead?
“Fuck,” Odin rasped, “the girls aren’t picking up, either.” There was a questioning wariness in his eyes. “Do you think those three are together? Skathi’s at home; she’s got Nielsen, but Tessa and Fae could be wrapped up in whatever Liz is doing.”
Nodding, Trouble swore when his phone rang again.