With that, he pushed up from the seat, turned his back to his past, and headed toward the door. As he straddled his bike, he clenched his teeth, knowing shit was only going to get harder. Liz and Erika were waiting for him to step the fuck up, and he needed to be prepared for a hard, painful climb. It would be worth it.
Theywere worth it.
In the four days since she’d last seen Trouble, while recovering from her Russian goon beat down, Liz rode one emotional roller coaster after another—high then low, then toppling, rolling, spinning, before crashing. She didn’t know which way was up, what to think, how to feel—she only knew that the asshole had fucked up, betraying her for no good reason other than he wanted her gone and was too fucking weak to tell her to her face.
He took the coward’s way out.
And now the fucker was invading her space without even being in the same damn building.
Her hospital room was filled to overflowing with bouquets of wildflowers, tulips and daisies, and red and lavender roses. When she asked what the lavender roses meant, Nurse Janine smiled and said, “Unique love. They’re the roses you give to someone who changes you.”
Liz couldn’t help but roll her eyes at that, even though she secretly loved the look and scent of them. None of the bouquets came with a note, but she didn’t need a note to know they’d come from Trouble. The man was being ridiculous, and she hadno idea why. She just wanted him to leave her the hell alone…at least until she’d recovered enough to deal with whatever the next steps were. She knew that, now he was aware of Erika, things would never go back to the way they once were.
And what’s wrong with that?Plenty. Trouble hadn’t wanted to be father, and his words that night at the bar had been clear enough on that subject.
But he seemed genuinely heartbroken about Erika….
He was probably angry about Liz keeping her a secret and not really about Erika at all. A man like Trouble, who thrived on being in control in all things, would hate that someone had dared keep something from him, even a kid he never wanted.
But the look on his face when he asked about her….
Sighing, Liz dropped her head back against the super uncomfortable chair Nurse Janine had deposited her in fifteen minutes ago, when she’d said Liz had spent enough time in the bed. After taking five laps around the ward floor, Liz had returned to her room to catch her breath. Damn, not only was she in pain, she was weak as hell. She’d hoped to be further along in her recovery so she could go home. She missed Erika so much, she was dreaming about her. They’d never been apart this long before, and it was killing her. Fae and Skathi were good about sending updates throughout the day, including videos and pictures of Erika. Thankfully, the women were good about making sure Erika’s usual daily routine was being disrupted as little as possible; she was still going to school and then daycare, but she was sleeping at Fae and Hawk’s house—at least until Liz got out of the hospital.
But what then? With her broken arm and bruised ribs, Liz was about as useful as a screen door on a submarine, so how was she supposed to take care of herself, let alone Erika? And…what about her house? Those men had come to her home, beat her, and she knew she’d bled all over the kitchen floor. She’d have anasty mess to clean up before she’d let Erika back in there…and was it even safe to go home with those Russians looking to make an example of her?
Her head pounding with her thoughts, Liz almost groaned at the newcomer entering the room.
“Hey Doc,” Tessa greeted her, her smile a little wobbly. The woman was tough as nails and could beat anyone’s ass, but she was a real softy when it came to people she cared about. It was one of the things Liz loved most about Tessa. “At least you don’t look like shit anymore; the bruises are fading.”
Liz snorted, grinning lopsidedly at Tessa. “Right? I used to look like I went ten rounds with you in the octagon.” Tessa was a former MMA fighter who had to prematurely retire after she was kidnapped by cartel psychos and shot in the knee. After surgeries and PT, she was able to walk again, but she’d never be able to fight professionally again.
Tessa chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I’m glad you’re doing better. You ready to get out of here?”
Liz nodded. “Hell yeah. Doctors always make the worst patients, and I am definitely tired of being here.”
Tessa sat on the side of the bed and crossed one leg over the other.
“Any word on when you’ll be discharged?”
“Dr. Faison is saying tomorrow, so I am hoping to be home by tomorrow night.”
At Liz’s reply, Tessa’s brow furrowed.
“Liz, I know you’re Super Doc, but you can’t go home. Not only is that place unsafe, but what are you going to do with that arm?”
The same questions Liz had been asking herself.
She sighed. “I know that, Tessa. I told Odin and Trouble about the Russians because I know they can deal with that, but…you’re right. That house isn’t safe for Erika. Or me. Not when the threat is still out there.”
Tessa smirked. “At least you’re being logical about everything.”
“What would be the point of arguing? I want Erika safe, and I want her with me, and I know my own limitations. But what are my options? It isn’t like I have another house to stay in, or a maid or nanny on-call to help with Erika.”
Tessa sighed heavily, shaking her head at Liz.
“Doc, we got you covered, girl. We took care of everything, don’t you worry.”
At Tessa’s words…and the weird gleam in her eyes, Liz suddenly felt wary.