Page 5 of Savage Fire

Tessa snickered, ignoring the glare aimed at her from one of the seats at the table.

“You’d be right about that. So,” she paused, looking around once more, “where is Skathi?”

Liz returned to her seat, patting the chair beside her. “She was here but then she got a text and ran back to the apartment. I have no idea, but I’m thinking her man wanted an afternoon delight.”

Skathi was the old lady to Odin, the club president, and they lived in a huge, gorgeous apartment attached to the main clubhouse. It was its own wing, which kept it private and separate from all filthy goings on of the club.

“It won’t be much longer before their house is done, then they can move out of this crazy place. That baby isn’t going to bake much longer.”

Skathi was several months into her second pregnancy. Her first pregnancy ended with a miscarriage that left both her and Odin reeling. Skathi, though, didn’t allow the loss to keep her from trying again. Not long after their loss, they were celebrating another win, and Odin was a fucking nightmare about it. He hated that she was anywhere near the parties and rowdiness of the club, but he also knew she could take care of herself just fine. It was the protective “old man” and father in him, so Skathi didn’t mind too much. It also helped that Odin did everything possible to make sure his woman was happy and comfortable, even going so far as to have the club brothers do midnight runs for Skathi’s cravings. Tessa thought it was adorable that the massive, former Army Ranger was such a puppy dog for his woman.

She was also jealous as hell.

In the chair across the table, Amelia, one of the club sluts, shifted in her seat, moving gingerly, her overly made up face scrunching as if she’d eaten something rotten.

“What’s with the face?” Rosa, another club slut—though she was one Tessa tolerated—asked before tipping a tiny bottle of sriracha over a humongous burrito.

Where the hell did she get that? I want one—No. No! Bad Tessa!She had to slow down on all the carbs she’d been enjoying lately. Now that she wasn’t training hardcore, all that muscle she’d amassed was turning into unbecoming flab. She still fit her clothes, but she filled them out like she hadn’t before. Her ass was a pound away from needing its own zip code.

Amelia grunted then sighed, shifting her weight on the chair before whining, “This tampon isn’t working, and it’s one of my heavy flow months. I’m wearing a tamponanda pad. I fucking hate pads. It feels like I’m wearing a diaper.”

“Maybe you’re using the wrong absorbency,” Liz offered, the doctor in her making an appearance, despite her usual disdain for the club sluts. Hippocratic oath for the win.

“What’s the highest they have?” Rosa asked, and Tessa rolled her eyes. How did the woman not know that?

“I think super. That’s the highest I could find,” Amelia huffed, leaning back in her seat to cross her arms over her fake ass boobs. “And this period shit is for the birds.”

Rosa shrugged. “Junkie doesn’t care if I’m bleedin’, he fucks me anyway.”

Ugh. Gross.

Amelia huffed again. “I wish Trouble was like that.” Amelia’s gaze flicked to Liz who stiffened. Smirking, Amelia cooed, “I miss his big cock. It’s been a whole two days since he fucked me good and hard.”

On no she fucking didn’t.Tessa didn’t know the whole story about what happened between Dr. Liz and the club VP, Trouble, but she knew enough from watching them interact that they had a history. A deep, dark,intimateone. So, Amelia being the bitch she was, was poking the bear.

I can poke, too, skank!

“Maybe it isn’t the size of the tampon that’s the problem,” Tessa offered, her voice saccharine sweet. “Maybe they just don’t make them in your size.”

Her smirk dropping and her brows curling in confusion, Amelia looked at Tessa. “Huh?”

Tessa shrugged nonchalantly, her own smirk unfurling on her lips. “I’m thinking that with as loose as your pussy is, no matter the size of the tampon, it’d be like trying to put a cork in the spill way at Hoover Dam.”

Amelia gasped, her face turning a hideous red. It matched those fucking ugly hooker boots.

“The fuck you just say to me?” Amelia shrieked.

Ignoring her, Tessa continued. “Or like a bath plug in a subway tunnel.”

Liz snorted, then added, “Or a bottle cap on a manhole.”

Tessa clicked her tongue, nodding excitedly. “Ooh, I like that one—a manhole, for a sewer. Because her vagina is like a nasty, bug infested hole that smells like dead fish and shit.”

Liz threw her head back and laughed into the ceiling, Rosa smirked, hiding her smile from Amelia behind the bite of burrito on her fork, and Tessa snorted, rolling her eyes at Amelia’s shrill cursing.

“Good Lord, what are we talking about over here?”

From the hallway leading to the officer’s bedroom suites, Fae, Hawk—the club’s Sergeant-at-Arms’ old lady, strode confidently across the scuffed hardwood floors toward their table. A huge smile on her pretty face. The woman had the body of a tiny pin-up model and the voice of an angel, which had snagged the attention, adoration, and the “touch her and I’ll kill you” affections of one of the club’s biggest manwhores.