This had to work.
Pulling his shoulders back, he announced, “I am in love with Fae McCabe!”
There was silence for a split second before shouts, catcalls, and shrill whistles sounded. But he couldn’t hear that. He was too focused on the woman before him. Her eyes were like saucers, her mouth dropped open in shock, and her cheeks were red.
“Alright, alright, be quiet!” This time, it was Odin who’d commanded the room. Silence immediately followed.
“When I first met you, I knew there was something special about you. I felt…a connection to you I’d never felt before, and because I hadn’t felt it before, I couldn’t label it. It scared me.”
“Pussy,” someone barked loudly, making a few people laugh.
He ignored that. “The only deep emotion I could compare it to was how I felt when Shannon and my brother betrayed me. I know it wasn’t the same, but that didn’t stop the confusion and fear from ruling my thoughts and actions. When I was with you, it was like two sharks battling each other in my stomach, and I didn’t know which one would win. And when I wasn’t with you, I couldn’t think straight, felt nothing but the need to be with you again. I admit, I twisted up everything I felt and let my past dictate which emotion ruled. I think that I always subconsciously knew you really were, but I couldn’t make heads or tails of all that I was thinking and feeling, so I just brushed it aside. And when I walked in on you tearing Carrie a new one, you supposedly being jealous of your sister, I let those old feelings of anger and hatred toward my brother win. I’m not proud of what I did, baby, but I ask that you give me a chance to make it right.”
“But why? I’m just a shy, awkward woman from the middle of nowhere, Ohio,” she declared.
“You’re wrong. So fucking wrong, baby,” he protested hotly.
Taking her silence as a good sign, Hawk continued, “You’re not just any woman, Fae. You’re my siren. You lured me in with your beautiful voice, your beautiful spirit, and your sexy as fuck curves. You captured me, body and soul, woman, and I never want to be set free. Without you, am I less—you make memore. More human, more honest with myself, more vulnerable….”
“Youwantto be vulnerable? Isn’t that against the badass biker code?” she asked, incredulous.
He huffed a laugh, lifting his arms. “Take a look around, baby. I am humbling myself before you, the woman I love, in front of men who have my back.”
“And we’re gonna give you shit for it later,” Hound called, making the room break out in loud guffaws.
“Pipe down, assholes, I’m groveling to my woman here!” Hawk shouted, making Fae giggle.
“I know I hurt you, and I am so goddamn sorry about that, baby. I will spend the rest of our lives together begging for your forgiveness.”
“The rest of our lives together?” Lord, but she was fucking adorable in her surprise.
He smirked, hope filling him to the brim. “Yes,mo chroi, the rest of our lives. I want to make you mine, claim you as my old lady, put a property kutte on your back, a ring on your finger, and lots and lots of babies in your belly. You are the beat of my heart, you own me, and I cannot imagine my life without you. Please….”
Fae gasped, her hand flying to her heart as he fell to his knees.
“Please, forgive me. Let me love you, Fae. Let me bemore…with you,” he begged, well aware that every eye in the room was on them. Onhim. But he didn’t give a fuck if they gave him shit the rest of his life for acting the pussy. If it meant Fae was his, he’d endure torture for her.
“Come on, lass, put the man out of his misery,” Grimm called, inciting murmurs of assent and agreement among his brothers. Fuckers…he loved them all.
Fae looked up, her gaze scanning the room, her breathing uneven, and the flush on her cheeks deepening. Finally, she looked back at him, and he held his breath.
Her eyes were dancing, the warm honeyed whiskey filled with love.
“I love you, too, Hawk. I forgive you,” she said, her voice steady, clear.
With a shout, he shot to his feet, snatched his woman into his arms, then slammed his mouth down on hers. The kiss was passionate, savage. He poured his gratefulness, his relief, his hopes, and desires into that kiss. And she kissed him back with just as much passion and emotion.
The room wentnuts!
Yells, whistles, crude yet endearing comments—his real brothers celebrating with him.
Breaking the kiss, he smiled down at Fae, who smiled right back at him.
“I love you. So much. Thank you for taking a chance on me,” Hawk whispered, his heart so full to bursting.
“I’ll take all the chances, as long as I get you in the end,mo chroi,” she whispered back, her eyes glittering. “So, what’s next?”
He chuckled wickedly, pulling her soft belly into him and grinding his hard dick against it.