Gathering her strength and the last black dregs of her pride, she opened her eyes and met his furious gaze.
“It doesn’t matter what I say, Hawk, you’re already on her side,” she sneered.
He growled, then spat, “You aren’t even sorry for what you did, are you?” He lifted his chin to peer down his nose at her, effectively telling her that, in that moment, she was beneath him. “You actually believe all that shit you said.”
Refusing to admit a goddamn thing, she remained silent, staring at him.
Let him think what he wanted—he would, anyway. Carrie had won. She’d fooled him, too. Drew him in with her looks and practiced charm…and she would suck the life from him and leave him, just like she did everyone else.
Hawk turned away from her, his enormous body flexing, tension rolling from him like waves in a demented sea.
A dark chuckle broke from his chest, and he turned to glower at her once more.
He shook his head slowly, a cruel smile pulling at his beautiful lips.
“I thought you were better than this, that you actually cared about your sister, that you actually wanted her to succeed, when all along you been sitting there in your frumpy clothes with your ‘pity me’ attitude just stewing, waiting for the moment to steal the spotlight.”
“Youknowme, Hawk! How can you think that about me?” Didn’t he know her better than anyone else? Hadn’t they shared enough time together, shared enough about themselves—parts of themselves and their souls—for him to at least figure out what was really going on? All the freaking hints were there, slapping him in the face, but he was still blinded by Carrie’s big tits, blonde hair, and ‘fuck me’ purr. He was still wrapped up in the ideal of who he believed Aoibheal to be, that therealAoibheal was invisible to him.
“You know me. You know who I am. You just don’t want to see it,” she said, misery making her voice quiver.
He grunted, his eyes boring into hers. “Yeah, I know you—at least I thought I did.”
She shook, reaching out to touch him, to reassure herself that he was still there, that he wasn’t really about to crush her.
But it was coming…she could feel the weight of it pressing down on the vulnerable muscle in her chest.
“You know me—therealme,” she exclaimed, a sob breaking from her chest when he jerked his arm away from her touch.
Please, seeme!
“So what, you think that because I’ve been fucking around with you, that you mean enough to me, I’ll chooseyouover my duty to your sister?” He shook his head, a look of disgust pinching his features. “I would never choose anyone over my duty. Especially someone who would treat their own kin like you just did.”
Fae gasped, her heart wrenching in her chest, slamming against her sternum, only to shudder back to half-life…limping along.
“It-it’s not like that,” she breathed, her voice a rasp of anguish and disbelief.
…fucking around….Was that what they’d been doing? Was that all it meant to him?
He snorted. “It’s not likewhat? Not like you’re so fucking jealous of your sister that you can’t stand it? You just can’t handle the fact that your sister is beautiful, talented, and gracious. It tears you up that with all your sister has you have nothing special.”
He pinned her to the floor with a glare so menacing she nearly buckled.
“Youarenothing special.”
With those killing words, he turned his back on her and stormed through the door, slamming it closed behind him.
He hadn’t even bothered to look back at her corpse.
Biting back a curse, Hawk slid from the SUV and tugged the suit coat closed. The physical discomfort from being stuck in a fucking monkey suit only added to his agitation. But there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Until he clocked out in six hours, and handed full watch of Carrie over to Mason or Jenkins, and could finally slip back into his kutte, he was trapped in a custom-fitted, Italian-made Brioni three-piece that cost a mint. Sure, he looked fucking good, but he’d rather be comfortable.
It was no wonder Odin had passed his position as director of Savage Protection to Grimm—he was tired of wearing shit that made him feel like his body was wrapped in a straitjacket.
Fae thinks you look good in your kutte…but she’d prefer you naked.
Growling low in his throat at the thought of anything having to do with her, he swallowed down the bile.
Last night was a fucking shitshow. He’d come to the clubhouse after spending another day keeping Carrie from getting arrested and was hoping to sit down with Fae—even for just a moment.