Page 58 of Savage Guardian

Fae glared at Tessa, suddenlyveryunsure about being in a male strip club…with a woman who was obviously looking to stir up trouble.

“Why would I want Hawk to lose his shit?”

Tessa ignored her, waving down the muscle-packed hunk of man meat bartender to order two White Russians. Fae didn’t even like vodka.

“Tessa!” Fae shouted, trying to get the bigger woman’s attention through the pounding music blasting through the speakers.

“What?” Tessa peered down at Fae, then pursed her lips. “Have some fun, woman. It won’t kill you. And once Skathi texts me back, we’ll head out.”

Suspicious at the nonchalance in Tessa’s bearing, Fae asked, “Head out to where?”

Tessa shrugged. “Wherever the night takes us…at least until your shadow shows up to bust it up.”

It hit her then…Tessa was totally using Fae to fuck with Hawk. But why?

“What are we really doing here, Tessa?”

“You were angry, seething, like a little hissing kitten. You needed to get out of there, and Hawk needed a kick in his ass. So, I killed two birds with one stone.”

Fae gasped.

Tessa snorted. “Believe me, once they get the club nerd to track your phone, one sexy as hell biker badass will come through those doors, snatch your tiny ass to his bike, and then you’ll call me in the morning to let me know if the dicking was as good as I think it will be.”

Her mouth dropping open at Tessa’s slip into insanity, Fae blurted, “Are you out of your mind? Do you know how dangerous it is to be out of the clubhouse—and I was already crazy enough to talk myself into leaving the compound at night, by myself, to do who knows what? You’re going to get me in trouble.”

Tessa grinned. “That’s the idea. Besides, you aren’t alone, Fae-Bae. You’re with Mama Tessa now, and I know just how to get one particular biker’s head out of his ass. You can thank me later.”

“Thank you for what?”

Tessa huffed, annoyance bleeding into her features. “You have to have known that those guys wouldn’t let you leave without protection. Fang only let me take you from the compound because I can handle keeping you safe…just long enough for AFK to ping your location and Hawk to ride his fine ass here and go all caveman.”

The truth sinking in, Fae gawked at Tessa. “W-why did-did you d-do this?” Her anxiety flying into the stratosphere, Fae hit theflighton her fight-or-flight switch, and turned to get the hell out of there before Hawk got there. God, what would he do? He didn’t give a crap about her, but he took his duty to the club and his job as a bodyguard seriously. Dammit. He’d probably lock her in Fang’s room and only let her out to see the sun an hour a day.

No! he can’t do that! I’m so close to completing the album.

Pushing through the crowd, Fae ignored Tessa’s shouts from behind her. Her heart in her throat, her guts in her feet, Fae elbowed and shoved and flinched at the angry cursing until the door was in sight.

But she hadn’t made it in time, because standing there, his stormy eyes narrowed and pinned to her, was none other than the man who wrecked her body and stole her heart. Jaw clamped hard, his nostrils flaring, and his colossal body taut and thrumming with tension so hot and heavy, she could feel it collide with her chest.

Without a word, he lifted his hand and curled a single finger. Around her, women had turned to stare at the sexy mountain man meat wearing the biker kutte, tight jeans, dark green Henley, and the sexy as hell glare. But he didn’t see the other women; he was fixated on her.

“Come. Now.” There was a warning there, a threat, and Fae knew that if she didn’t comply, he’d mess her world up so badly, she’d never recover.

Fine then. She’d go with him, but she’d be damned if she let him dictate her life one more day. She was sick of it, of being maneuvered and manipulated. She was tired of being the whipping boy, the slave, the one no one cared about, but everyone depended on. She was done with being ignored until it served a purpose, tossed to the side to gather dust once they were done using her. Like Carrie. Like Jimmy.

Like Hawk.

Meeting Hawk’s glittering pewter gaze, she drew her shoulders back, let out the breath she’d been holding, and stalked toward him.

She felt like heaven and hell wrapped tight around him as he maneuvered his bike through night traffic in Vegas. The warmth of her pussy was hitting him right in the ass, and he knew that if he could turn around, she’d be right where he’d want her, his cock just millimeters from indescribable pleasure.

Just as indescribable as it had beenthatnight. Together, they’d experienced something he’d never experienced before. It hadn’t been fucking. It hadn’t been sex. It had been two souls reaching out to one another…and he’d pulled back, throwing up a wall to hide the part of him he didn’t want her to see. That night, one she’d finally fallen into a post-orgasmic slumber, he’d run, tainting what could have been the best thing in his life.

But he’d had no choice. Things were just too complicated. He didn’t do complicated. Not anymore. Not after Liam and Shannon.

Behind him, Fae pressed her cheek against his back, making his muscles flex in reaction to her closeness. Ignoring the flood of blood to his dick, he pulled onto the dirt road that lead to his house and thanked the gods he’d be able to put some distance between them soon. Because he needed distance in order to deal with the shit Fae had done that night.

She saw you and ran from you, asshole.No need to guess why.Perhaps it’s because you fucked her then spent the next week basically treating her like an acquaintance.He knew what he’d been doing, leaving Preston and Dragon to guard her while he forced himself to work with Carrie. He needed to put space between him and Fae, between temptation and damnation. He knew that if he spent more time with the gorgeous, curvy woman, he’d break. And he couldn’t break. Too much was at stake. So, instead of taking up his position as guard to Fae, he’d spend hours with Carrie, hating how wrong it felt, hating how he was counting down the minutes until he could get back to the clubhouse. Get back to Fae. Then he’d speed to the clubhouse, spend the obligatory hour with his brothers, then he’d seek Fae, who was always there…watching him, waiting for him to come to her. He was an ass, loving that she had eyes only for him, that she was needy for his presence. Those few stolen minutes with her…had been everything. A drop of water on his tongue after years lost in the desert.