Page 48 of Savage Guardian

Skathi narrowed her eyes at the other woman, throwing her a look Fae could only describe as “shut up now, dumbass.”

“Hawk is an officer, and he’s part of Savage Protection. He knew he needed to bring her someplace safe and secure.” Skathi was Odin’s woman, which meant she was probably part of the inner circle, which meant she knew more about the goings on in the club than Tessa and, especially, Daisy. So, hearing that Hawk had brought her to the compound to keep her safe, to help her feel secure…well, it didn’t suck.

Too bad being safe wasn’t her current problem. She was just sitting around, waiting for Hawk to show up, and for their night together to turn into an awkward morning.

You don’t know that it’ll be awkward.Yes, she did. The man snuck off in the middle of the night. If that didn’t scream “regret and shame,” nothing did.

Clearing her throat, Fae attempted to keep her mind off of what was coming.

“If Skathi is the president’s old lady and Daisy is….”

“A slut,” Daisy offered, grinning shamelessly.

“Uh…yeah. Who are you, Tessa?” Fae asked, immensely curious about the gorgeous blonde with big sapphire eyes, thick arms, and a don’t fuck with me air about her.

“I’m Sky’s best friend…and I come around to help keep the guys in line. Someone needs to make sure they get their rabies shots,” she shouted that last bit across the room to the other two tables, where the men snickered at her, and a few offered her the finger. She snickered in return.

“Mostly, she comes around to give them shit…and to frustrate Fang,” Daisy supplied, a mischievous glint in her brown eyes.

“Who’s Fang?” Fae asked, watching the humor quickly die in Tessa’s face.

“He’s no one—”

“He’s a brother who’s hung up on our Tessa, but Tessa won’t give him the time of day.” Daisy practically vibrated in her seat. “It’s like the best drama in the club right now—will they, won’t they—”

“They won’t,” Tessa spat, slamming a hand down on the table, making the coffee mugs and used silverware clank together.

There was a growl from behind her, making Fae tense.

“Wewill,corazon, I just haven’t convinced you yet,” a deep, accented voice rumbled from behind Fae, and she turned her head to look over her shoulder. Standing there was probably the best looking golden-skinned man she’d ever laid eyes on. Tall, body packed with tight muscle over smooth, unmarked, tanned skin. Dark hair, dark eyes, clean-shaven, and dressed in the Raider’s uniform of tight t-shirt, worn jeans, biker boots, and his kutte.

“Youhaveconvinced me…that you need to get the hell out of here before I put my fist through your face,” Tessa replied, her voice deceptively sweet.

“But you love my face,mi amor, and you’ll love it even more once you sit on it.”

Tessa’s jaw worked, her eyes growing dark—with anger or desire?

“If I didn’t have this knee brace on, I’d kick your ass,pendejo. Then I’ll sit on yourbackand feed you gravel.” Damn, she was fierce! And what was that about a knee brace? Was she injured?

I like her.

Rather than get pissed, the one Fae now knew as Fang only chuckled darkly, his intense black eyes dancing with heat.

“Kinky,” Fang purred, the vibrations deep and growly.

It was Tessa’s turn to growl, her eyes narrowing at the man smirking at her, straight white teeth flashing as the sexy as hell smirk turned into a panty-melting grin—aimed right at the glaring Tessa.

Hot damn.

He wasdefinitelyhung up on Tessa…but Tessa wasangryabout it.

What was that all about?

She didn’t have time to think about it before Fang dipped his chin to her, offering her a lopsided smile.

“They’d like to talk with you.”

Huh? Startled, she stared past Fang to the staircase at the top of which a large—large—tattooed man was standing, peering down at her. Long, dirty blond hair pulled back into a low ponytail, trimmed goatee framing a face that could melt pantiesandcut glass. The man was intimidating…and hot.