Was that how he treated the women like Daisy? Like Fae? Pounded them into the mattress with the gray sheets, then disappeared while they were recuperating.
Nah, he probably kicks them out right after.At least he left her to sleep.
So…that makes itbetter?
Suddenly, the idea of eating any of the delicious smelling food steaming on the buffet table made her belly roil.
“Don’t let Tessa bully you or Daisy make you uncomfortable. They are both harmless.”
Tessa grunted. “Speak for yourself, Sky.” She was grinning, so the tough chick tone was indeed harmless, which only made Fae smile.
“I’ll make sure to steer clear,” Fae teased.
“So, tell us about you, Fae. What brings you to Vegas?” Skathi asked, genuine interest in her golden eyes.
How much to tell her?
“I’m here with my sister—”
“Aoibheal, right?” Daisy blurted.
“Err, yeah.” Err, no.
“I only know because the brothers give Hawk shit about his obsession with her, but Hawk doesn’t give a fuck because…well, Hawk is Hawk. He’s badass.”
Fae had to agree with that one. Once again, she was hit knowing that Hawk was an “avid fan” of Aoibheal. And, once again, she wished to her bones that she could tell Hawk the truth.
Maybe you can. It isn’t like he’d tell anyone.If he was as obsessed as he admitted to being—and everyone else said that he was—he’d want to keep her secret, right?
God, she couldn’t take that chance, especially since Hawk might have fucked her last night, but he’d been all up in Carrie’s personal space just yesterday morning.
“I’ve heard her music. She is incredible. Truly talented,” Skathi remarked, making Fae’s insides warm up. She’d never get used to honest praise.
“What do you think of Vegas? Pretty kickass, right?” Tessa inquired, devilry in her blue eyes.
“Honestly, it’s been great. It’s nothing like the small town I came from. I thought it would be all flashing lights and jackpot noises, but there’s more to it than that.”
Tessa nodded. “Yeah. It’s nothing like where I’m from, either—which is a plus times a thousand.”
“I’m from here, so I have nothing to compare it to,” Daisy supplied, before taking a sip of what looked like a green smoothie. Fae guessed staying healthy was important for stamina…for all that sex she was having.
“This isnothinglike Denmark,” Skathi said, chuckling.
“Yeah, there’s nothing quite like Vegas when you want to experience the best and the worst life can throw at ya.” Tessa’s eyes dimmed at her own words, her lips twisting. Something happened to her, hadn’t it? Fae wanted to ask but she couldn’t. She didn’t know the woman, and probably wouldn’t see her again after today. Which sucked, because all three women—yes, including Daisy—seemed like they were pretty cool ladies. And Fae, being Fae, didn’t have many female friends. Friends at all, really. It would have been nice to have met Skathi, Tessa, and Daisy under better circumstances.
“So…did you actually find a human head in a box?” Daisy asked out of nowhere, making Fae jerk in shock. Her memories of the night before, and her gruesome discovery slamming into her. The warmth leached from her body, leaving her cold and stiff.
“Fuck, you dumb bitch, why did you bring that up?” Tessa snarled, reaching over the table to snag Fae’s hand in hers, squeezing it. “You okay, Fae?”
Sucking in a deep, shuddering breath, Fae plastered on a smile and nodded.
“As okay as I can be,” she replied, laughing, which sounded as forced as her smile. “At least I can now say I’ve come out a-head…and I got to meet you ladies.”
Tessa and Skathi snickered. Daisy snorted, rolling her eyes, clearly irked at Tessa’s reprimand.
“What’s with that, anyway? Why did Hawk bring you here?” Tessa inquired, letting go of Fae’s hand to lean back in her chair once more. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Hawk bring a civilian into the clubhouse before.”
“He hasn’t,” Daisy agreed. “He doesn’t need to. There’s always plenty of pussy ‘round here.”