She nodded, her body slumping in weariness.
“You think you can hold on to me?”
Her gaze landed on his bike, and she hesitated before nodding again. “Yeah.”
He mounted his ride and helped her get on behind him, nearly coming out of his skin when she wrapped her arms around him, her tits pressing against his back, and her warm pussy pressing against his ass. Closing his eyes to clear the lust from his mind, he opened them again to see Grimm smirking at him. The fucker. At least he would deal with the cops and make sure the club got whatever information they needed from the crime scene people.
With her body flush against his, it felt like hours had passed before he rode through the gates into the compound. Helping her off the bike, he fought the urge to pick her up off the ground and carry her right to his bed. She was exhausted, terrified, and probably overwhelmed with questions.
Some he could answer, and he would, once he got her settled.
“Come on, I’ll take you to my room. It’s not a sty, but it ain’t spotless, either. There’s a bed, bathroom, and TV….” He broke off, turning to watch her walk behind him, her movements sluggish.
“You gonna make it,mo ghràdh?”
At his teasing endearment, she smiled softly. “It might be a close call,doig.” Dick. He chuckled. There was still fire in her, and fuck, he wanted to stoke it.
Pointedly ignoring the curious—and lecherous—looks from his brothers, he led her to the corridor that led to all the officer bedrooms. He had his own digs outside the compound, so he didn’t spend every night at the clubhouse, though he spent several nights a week there. If there was a club party, a late night with the brothers, or a late Church meeting, he’d stay over. Many of those nights, he hadn’t gone to bed alone.
He’d have to get Tammi or Rosa to change his sheets. Definitely not Amelia, who’d been leaving text messages and naked pics on his phone all week. The club bitch was getting clingy, and it was time to scrape her off.
Sending a text to Tammi, who’d taken over club bitch wrangling duties after Bonnie betrayed the club and got unalived by the Cartel, he opened the door to his room and, with a hand to the back of her graceful neck, brought Fae into hissanctum infernium. His sin den. Right now, though, it would be Fae’s safe haven.
“The bathroom’s through there,” he said, pointing. “I don’t have any clothes that would fit you, but I can call one of the club women to—”
“That’s okay, I’m good,” she blurted, obviously not all that enthusiastic about borrowing clothes from strange biker women. He didn’t blame her.
Fae headed to the bathroom, and seconds later, there was a knock on the door. Tammi was there, holding clean sheets. He directed her to change the bed, and she did, knowing her place was to serve and not give him shit about it. It took seven minutes from start to finish, and the bedroom door clicked shut behind the obviously curious Tammi, just as the bathroom door opened to the beautifully tragic Fae.
Fae look wrecked…but also strung tight.
“Come on,” he directed, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Sit. There’s shit we have to talk about.”
Heaving a sigh, Fae moved toward the bed and slumped onto it beside him. She leaned into him, probably too tired to remain upright. He didn’t mind; he wanted her to use his strength—he had plenty to give.
Hell, he didn’t know what he was going, but he knew Fae experienced some nasty shit that night, and she needed him. So, he’d be there for her.
Isn’t that how it began with Shannon? Her charming you with her vulnerability, you giving her everything, and then their betrayal?
Swearing internally, he forced his body to loosen and threw his arm around Fae, tugging her closer. She sighed softly, making his dick jerk. In that moment, he didn’t care what Carrie had warned him about Fae. That shit was outside his room. Inside his room was a woman who needed him. The urge to protect her, to heal her, was strong.
“Can you tell me what happened today?” he gently prodded, pressing his nose against her head. The hairs of his beard caught in the silken strands of her hair, making him grin. The feeling of her there, her warm softness against him, was…so fucking good. “I know you told Benson, but can you tell me?”
A tremor moved through her and into him.
“I was at the studio—”
“You spend a lot of time there,” he stated. He’d only known Carrie and Fae for a few days, but one thing he noticed was that Fae spent more time actually working than Carrie did. For someone who had a concert coming and a new album dropping, Carrie seemed a little too calm about everything. In the few days he’d spent guarding her, she hadn’t said a single word about her work as Aoibheal, other than to mention how famous she was going to be. “What were you doing there this morning?”
She stiffened, then replied, “Yeah. I make sure that everything with Aoibheal’s new album is running smoothly. Today, I was working on…the website.”
Something tingled at the back of his mind, but he put it aside, focusing on getting to the meat.
“Who was there with you?”