Page 51 of Savage Guardian

“No, he just wanted to know if Fae was there, and when I told him she wasn’t, he left.”

“He didn’t ask you questions?”

“Other than, ‘can I use your bathroom’? No. He seemed…preoccupied. He didn’t even look at me twice, which is weird, ya know.” She sighed, rolling her eyes, then muttered to herself, “I wonder if he’s gay.”

Grunting, Grimm pursed his lips at Carrie, annoyance at her as plain as day on his ugly face.

“Well, if he wants to talk to her, he’s gonna have to do it here.” Hawk pinned Fae with a look he hoped conveyed that he would explain more later.

“Here? Aren’t I going back to the hotel?” she asked, her gaze flicking to Odin nervously.

“Until we figure out what’s going on, we believe it will be safer for you two to remain apart. Fae, you will stay here at the compound and will be escorted by Hawk or one of the prospects or Dragon when you need to leave for your work. Carrie, Madden and Jenkins will continue to guard you, but we’ll also have two more brothers on your six when you’re out in town.”

Carrie looked overjoyed at the idea of having two more men at her disposal—if her heated grin was any indication.

“So, I’m staying here? In-in Hawk’s room?” Fae inquired hesitantly. She was thinking about last night…and the empty bed beside her this morning.

Fucking hell.

“You’re safe here,” he said, leaving off “from me”.

She swallowed thickly, but met his gaze.

“Thank you for the offer, but I wouldn’t feel right putting you out like that.”

“You wouldn’t be….”

Fang turned to her. “She can use my room. I’ll be more than happy to head home to my Bees. I haven’t seen ‘em in a few days. They miss me.” Hawk didn’t miss the smug grin that slipped over Fang’s face. The man was whacked, having five live-in girlfriends. Yeah, Fang got all the pussy and head he wanted, but Hawk couldn’t imagine the drama that came with it.

Better him than me.And better those women than Tessa, who would beat his ass if she ever found out about theothers. Fang was dancing a little too close to the fire, messing with Tessa. It was only a matter of time before one of the brothers slipped in front of Tessa, or Tessa ran into one of Fang’s “Bees”. They rarely came to the clubhouse, but they dropped in for a party once in a while. Sure, Hawk or one of the other Raiders could say something to Tessa about it, but they were a brotherhood. Brothers before all else—and it really wasn’t any business of theirs what Fang did with his women, even if they didn’t like it. Before Shannon’s betrayal, Hawk had been a one-woman man, his sights set on a ring, a picket fence, and little McGregors. Now, the thought of settling down, of giving any woman that kind of control over him, it made his balls shrivel up.

Except…when he was with Fae. The rightness he felt when he was with her, his arms wrapped around her, his cock inside her…it had felt momentous. And that was another reason to keep his hands off her.

Too late, dumbass.

“Are you sure?” Fae asked, tension and weariness in her soft voice. “I really don’t want to be a bother. I could just stay—”

“No!” Hawk barked, making her jump.

Fang cast a disapproving eye at Hawk, then said, “Yeah. Tammi can clean it up for you, and you can use it as long as you need to. You’ll be safe here, and I’m sure Skathi and Tessa wouldn’t mind hanging out with you. You seemed comfortable with them.”

She’d met Skathi and Tessa? Good. Fae could do with some friends in town; working all the time, spending time alone reading in diners.

Youcould spend time with her. Outside of bed. Andinsideof bed, too.

God…he wanted to.

A brilliant, heart-stopping smile turned Fae’s face into sunshine. “That sounds great. Thanks, Fang.”

Jealousy burned a hole in Hawk’s gut. That washissmile she was gifting to Fang! She hadn’t even smiled athimyet, and she was flashing a goddamn goddess blessing atFang, choosing to sleep inFang’sroom?

Hawk bit back a curse, his whole body thrumming with the need to punch his brother in the face.

Get a fucking grip, man.

So what if she wouldn’t be in his bed? At least she’d still be safe in the compound when he couldn’t be with her.

But God…he never wanted to be without her.