Page 60 of Whisper Falls

From across the road, I watch as an older woman takes a double glance back at him, no doubt admiring the way his worn soft blue tee shirt hugs and accentuates his impressive muscles, then blushes when he turns his head to her and winks. I kind of miss his harness when he dresses all casual like this, but he still manages to look like sex itself somehow.

I chuckle to myself and cross the road at a light jog, giddy excitement bubbling through me. Roan had been the main topic of conversation with Dr Brordieu today, specifically me sorting through all my feelings to figure out how I want to tell him that I am madly in love with him and want to get married and have his babies.

Ok, not that, because children scare me and also Ican’thave babies considering I don’t have the right bits. But maybe him moving into the house with me might be a good start, eventually.

Or like, tomorrow. If he’s into it.

I am trying to not get ahead of myself and break into his tiny little place and just move his stuff into the house. Though that does sound like an excellent plan, so I file it away for later. It’s not like he seems too attached to his place, anyway. He hasn’t even gone there to do anything other than get clothes since he started sleeping with me, like, actually sleeping. His toothbrush even made its way to the bathroom in my room at the tavern. But like I said, not getting ahead of myself.

The other thing we discussed was Darius. I finally explained about our relationship. Mostly. And the messages. Kind of. The good doctor had that look on his face that he was about to get all concerned about me or whatever when I’d trod a little too far into how bad things had gotten, and I just… I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

So I didn’t.

He still expressed some caution about me contacting Darius, but he agreed that just sending a message would be safe. So, we mapped that out, and I have a plan to contact him next week. Hence the good mood when I left the office.

I try to keep my footsteps light as I reach the footpath near Roan, but he manages to sense my approach anyway. His big body tenses, and then his head snaps to my direction, themassive smile on his face making him the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.

My stomach does a swoopy, flip-floppy thing when he jumps to his feet to rush towards me, swinging me into his arms. Pure affection radiates from his being, the edge of his aura sizzling against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and lock my ankles behind his ass so he can’t put me down just yet. He grunts when I shift my weight around but still moves his hands down my back to cup my ass.

Only to hold me up better. Obviously. We’re in public after all.

A large, hairy being passes us, I’m not sure what he is, but he is massive, with long luscious midnight blue hair covering most of his body. As he passes, he manages to knock into me with his shoulder, sending Roan stumbling back.

“Oi, watch it!” Roan calls after him, nostrils flared. His berserker side has taken offence to the altercation, eyes turning a deep red black and the red veins under his skin becoming thicker and more prominent.

The hairy being, now only a couple of metres ahead, turns on his heel to face us, androars. Loudly. Like, I feel a ripple of wind from the power of his high-pitched objection.

Thankfully, it was so loud that nobody—because several bodies had stopped to watch—would have been able to hear my super-manly squeak of terror.

I wrap myself tighter around Roan, both to get away from the hairy being and to also weigh down Roan, whose breathing is now coming in rapid fire pants, his body braced to charge.

“Hey babe, can we maybenotpick fights on a public street out in front of a children’s park? I don’t want to get arrested today.”

The other being is staring down Roan, one hundred-percent ready to fight. Both of them have their eyes locked on each other, so I cup both of Roan’s cheeks in my hands and, with great force, pull his face around so his eyes are locked on me instead.

“Hi. Did you hear me? Get it together. Nothing happened.” Roan's nod is stiff and almost robotic, but he manages.

His eyes drift to my lips and, for a moment, I think he’s going to funnel that rage into what would end up areallyinappropriate kiss, but instead he seems to be watching my breathing, so I focus on making the breaths long and obvious until he gets into the rhythm.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the hairy being flip the double bird at Roan and stalk off in the other direction. What a dick.

Eventually Roan calms and comes back to himself, the red veins receding, the warm slate grey returning to his eyes. When he no longer feels big and imposing under my arms, the swelling of his muscles gone, I give him a quick squeezing hug.

“Thanks.” His voice is muffled in my neck, where he presses light feathery kisses, sending shivers down my spine.

“Ready to shop?” I drop my forehead forward to whisper conspiratorially. He drops his forehead forward too, pressing them together, making my eyes go blurry.

“No, but we’ll do it anyway. Lead the way, babe.”

Ugh, the way he has started to drop pet names for me never fails to make me want to giggle like an idiot. I manage to contain myself, instead disappointed when he removes his hands from my ass so I have no choice but to drop my legs and let go.

But then he slips his hand in mine and follows me down the street in the direction of the shopping district, and the overwhelming urge to simper and giggle comes right on back.


“I cannotbelieveyou bought that bed.”

I slide the keycard into the door lock of the hotel door and shove it open with my shoulder, holding it so Theo can shimmy past the bags digging into my hands.