Page 21 of Whisper Falls

Theo obviously notices I’m back to being a lecherous perv because a look I can’t read washes over his face as he stammers to reply. Probably to deliver the blow that this is madness, and he’s heading back to his old life in Loqueaur City. Or to start a new life in Twin Heads. Away from me and my insane ideas.


What do I think?My brain is far too scrambled to think about such hard-hitting questions.

I have no idea whatIthink. Where to really even begin.

The place is a mess. Not even a hot mess. Just a dirty, dusty, kinda gross mess. I am pretty sure I saw a dead mouse in the kitchen. At the time I just ignored it because that’s disgusting, and I just had lunch.

And then there is Roan, just hovering about being all Roan-like. Smelling like Roan. Talking like Roan in that deep growly voice that sends a thrill under my skin and straight to my cock. Existing like Roan.

Sending me filthy looks like he wants to do increasingly nasty things to me and then ruffling my hair like I’m his bratty little brother like Roan.

I exhale a sigh of frustration and run my hand through my hair. I instantly regret it when I find a cobweb I’d managed to walk through at some point. Gross.

Shuddering at the thought of spiders creeping around unseen, I switch my focus back to more important things. I consider theroom again, turning in one last circle, focusing on how this place makes mefeel. I may not have my fae-tuition as Seff calls it. Or any of my gifts or powers. But it doesn’t take fae cunning for me to feel that buzz under my skin again. The way it swirled deep in my spirit. There are some things that are so true that even the most mundane humans would be able to feel the shiver ofknowingup their spine.

“I think… I think it feels like home.”


It takes a little while to survey the rest of the house. After my little declaration, the tension between Roan and I skyrocketed to palpable levels of horny awkwardness, or maybe that had just been me?

We’d stared at each other for a handful of throbbing heartbeats, the temperature of the sunroom ratcheting up several degrees with the pulsing desperation wafting off me. But then Seff had slammed a door upstairs, breaking the spell, and we’d both shaken free of the moment and skedaddled up there to inspect the rest of the place.

Despite sticking close to Seff, we keep managing to find ways to brush against each other, all in seemingly innocent ways. I swear to the Gods, if Roan places that hot paw of his on my lower backone more timeto steer me through a doorway, I am either going to climb him like a tree or throw myself into the ether.

Seff shows us through the rooms like it is his childhood home rather than Roan’s, explaining where rotted wood needs replacing or repairs are needed. I only really listen with half an ear because, if all else fails, I can just pay someone to do the work. Probably Seff.

Instead, I try to look past the grime and neglect to see the potential, the life I could build here. It’s all too easy to see thatfuture. Filling the rooms with comfortable, handmade furniture and sumptuous fabrics. Having Tor and Caelan visit, Seff and Edith too. Visiting the tavern together and evenings in that decadent sunroom. And Roan, too. Try as I might to stop myself, I can’t help but picture him here with me.

That it would be ours.

Turning from the window frame where I’d been idly tracing the painted daisy pattern, I watch Roan as he inspects the door frame with Seff, arms folded across his chest, nodding all seriously like he knows anything about renovations or load bearing beams or whatever they were talking about. Though he possibly could. It’s not like I know him that well. It doesn’t stop that pull he has over me. That need to be with him, near him. It’s pathetic.

I’m obviously staring too hard because they both sense my stare. Seff gives me his usual affable smile. Roan frowns, his thick eyebrows pinching together. Absolutely typical.

I shove myself off the windowsill, ignoring the way it groans and paint—or at least I hope it’s paint—flakes off, sticking to my jeans.

“Are we done? It’s hot as all get out up here.” I’d stripped off my sweater on our way up the stairs, tying it around my waist, but I can still feel the trail of sweat building at the base of my spine.

Though at this point, I’m not quite sure if the heat in my skin is from wandering around the sweltering upstairs rooms or straight lust. Either way, it’s definitely time to leave. Seff looks a little startled, like he’s shocked that I’m not as enthralled by the intricacies of historical home design as he is, but then nods, his navy ball cap bobbing.

“Yeah, let’s just take a real quick look in the bathroom.” There is a round of mumbles, and I follow him out of the room, a good-sized room just like the other bedrooms, actually. Roan hangsback to wave me through the door, touching my back again as I pass.

A whimper slips past my restraints, and I think I can hear a gruff snort from behind where he follows me. For my own sanity, I ignore it.

The inspection of the bathroom, with its yellow walls and rust-stained clawfoot tub, is quick. It’s small, but cosy.

After growing up with all the space in the world, this place feels comfortable. Like a real home. Seff pokes and prods around the room, checking the plumbing the best that he can, while Roan and I stand awkwardly in the slightly too small space.

He’s right there next to me, close enough that I can feel the buzz of his skin but not so close that he is actually touching me. It’s torture.

I wonder if he feels it too?

Seff pulls his head from the cabinet he’s currently half-shoved in, inspecting the pipes, and dusts himself off, his pecs flexing through the ginormous holes in his singlet.

Despite all the man candy dancing in front of me, my fingers still flex with the need to reach out towards Roan. At this point, I’d even take the innocent brushing of my fingertips against his pants.