Page 9 of Whisper Wells

“If it’s an expedition, they would be prepared, right? Like a team with experienced beings used to the Woods? Do you have an idea who he’s gone with? Was it through his university? I mean, not being in contact isn’t too unusual; between the isolation and the magic, phone reception isn’t really a thing when you get too far in.”

Tor shakes his head violently, his curls tumbling down. “No, that’s the thing. I checked with the University, the admin staff, the professors. Nothing. I even asked students. They had no idea what I was talking about. I don’t think thereisa team. And Theo… he’s not an outdoors kinda guy. He doesn’t hike, Gods, he barely takes a walk through our rose gardens. He doesn’tdooutdoorsy adventure shit. Add to that, I havenoidea who he is with and I just have this awful feeling that whatever is going on is bad. Really bad.” Tor takes a shaky breath, trying to reign in his frustration. “This isn’t anxiety, Caelan. I’m not just being an overbearing brother. Iknow.”

Fae are incredibly intuitive creatures. Their magic is no longer what it was rumoured to have been, but they still have their power. Their claircognizance isn’t an exact science, but when they know, theyknow. So this is a bad fucking sign.

“Ok. So, do you know where he was heading?”

Tor slips a map across the table as Polly returns with our burgers and drinks. She sort of hangs by the table for a moment, under the guise of diligently cleaning the sparkling booth next to us, wiping down the laminated table until I swear she’s taken off a layer of polish.

It takes me a beat to realise she is staring at Tor like he is a milkshake and she is ready to drink him down. I mean, I get it, the man is a work of art. But she can kindly get lost. I clear my throat and throw her a look that most people find intimidating.

Thankfully, she takes the hint and hurries away, smoothing her bottle red hair back into its ponytail, hips swinging with a little extra sass.That’s right lady,keep walking. Tor chuckles again, in no way oblivious to the exchange, and bites into his burger, while he waits for me to eat and look at the map.

“Yeah, this… isn’t good. He is heading for the dead centre of the Woods. The trek itself would be dangerous even for someone experienced. You have to go over the mountains, and it’s been snowing, and there is at least one wolf shifter pack on the route. They are kind of dicks. Centaurs and minotaurs too. Gods know what else is living that deep in the Woods.” I take a bite of my burger, chewing slowly to buy myself time as Tor winces. Maybe I am being a little harsh. He takes a deep breath and pushes his burger away, mostly uneaten, worry creasing his brows.

“Look, I know it’s dangerous. And I know this is insane. But I need to find my brother.” He takes a deep steadying breath before locking his eyes onto mine; it’s all I can do not to fall headfirst into them. “I am going to go look for him in the Woods. I want you to come with me.”

The words flow out of him in a rush, and it looks like it costs him a lot. Honestly, my first instinct is to say yes,anythingfor Tor. But then rationality takes over and I take another bite, chewing on my burger for slightly longer than necessary to think it over. I mean, I can do it. I am no stranger to Whisper Woods. And while I haven’t gone quite that deep before, I am pretty sure I have enough magical blood to gain admittance. Hopefully. The Woods don’t take too kindly to human interference.

“This won’t be easy. My truck will only take us so far in, and then we’ll be on foot. We will need supplies. I don’t have everything we’ll need on hand. I’ll need to find someone to take care of the chickens and the farm… We’ll need a plan. I have no idea what is in there that deep. I don’t even know ifIcan go that far…” Ok, wow, time for a breath. My chest is getting tight with anxiety. I really don’t want to let him down, but can I actually do this? The look of hope on Tor’s face has a real chance of breaking me, if I wasn’t already about to agree to do something wildly stupid. “We wouldn’t be able to leave for at least a day. Maybe two.”

Overwhelming joy washes over Tor’s face as he jumps out of the booth quickly rounding the table and tackling me on the side, knocking me onto the worn pleather with a roughooft.

He presses my shoulders into the padding below me, his eyes searching mine. Under his intense scrutiny, the reality of his weight on top of me slams into my guts and heat floods my body again, blood flowing in all the wrong directions as my cock thickens in the confines of my jeans. Thank the Gods for thick denim. I keep my free hand firmly clenched at my side, the other pinned beneath me, resisting the urge to just grab him and…

“Thank you! I will buy whatever we need. I just—” Tor rambles for a moment, trailing off suddenly as he realises the position he has body-slammed us into; hehadto feel my cock pressing against his thigh. It isn’t subtle. I swear I can feel an answering hardness as he pushes his hips ever so slightly harder into mine.

Our eyes lock for one breath, and then two, before his eyes trail down to my mouth. He licks his lips, my eyes flicking down to watch the pink tip trace the pillowy lines. The air grows thicker around us, as he slowly drops his head, warily like he is giving me time to pull away. Not a chance. I shift to move the arm that has been caught underneath me, so I can reach up and cup the back of his neck and pull his lips down to mine, desperate to taste him.

“Not interrupting anything, am I? I run a family friendly establishment here.” A deep laughing voice cuts through the moment just as our lips are about to touch.

Grimacing with disappointment, my head slaps back against the peeling cushion. I can hear Tor muttering under his breath as he pushes himself up and off me, flicking a disgruntled look over his shoulder at the newcomer.

Tor doesn’t go far though, choosing to park his ass on the table, as close as he can get to my seat. I can feel the heat rolling off his side so close to mine, arms crossed over his chest. We had hung our coats up when we first arrived, but he still looks impressive in his black sweater and tight black jeans.

As subtly as I can, I rearrange myself where I sit and glare at my oldex-friend Dave, who is leaning against the neighbouring booth, propped on one elbow, legs crossed without a care in the world.

“What do you want?” I grunt, and he laughs, shaking his long scruffy hair.

“What, I can’t just come and see my old friend? Catch up? It’s been a long ass winter.” He smiles and nods to Tor, who still looks ready to murder Dave for his interruption. I am a little too happy to see that I wasn’t the only one displeased by the intrusion.

Still, itisgood to see Dave again after being snowed in for weeks. And now I kind of need to ask for a favour, so I have to stop being an ass.

“This is Tor Hivercouer. I told you about him, remember? Well, he just surprised me in town.”

Tor nods his head, pale pink tinging his cheeks and the pointed tips of his ears, but then remembers his manners, and that he isn’t a jerk and gives a friendly smile and wave before quickly turning to me.

“You told people about me?” His stage whisper behind his hand makes Dave chuckle again. Ass. I can feel the flood of blood rushing back up from my dick to my cheeks. This can’t be good for my blood pressure.

“Yeah, I mean… was I not meant to?”

Tor pats my hand and moves slightly closer along the table, so his hip brushes against my shoulder. He leans in close, his mouth brushing my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

“I told people about you, too.” He pulls back before I can respond, my brain turning to goop from the closeness of him. I need a cold shower, and some alone time, stat. Or just to touch Tor again. Tor holds my eyes, a lazy smile on his lips.

“Yeah, so anyway, Tor, nice to meet you. Caelan, we should catch up.” Dave laughs and throws his dish rag over his shoulder, moving to stand and walk away.

“Actually, I need your help,” I rush out, tearing my focus from Tor while I can. “We’re heading into the Woods. Can you feed the chickens?”