“Hmmm, I’d say it was a group decision,” he says, smiling. “Actually, I think it was Zoey who suggested it first, but when she and Ethan mentioned it to me, I was a hundred percent onboard. I think it’s a great idea.”

I’m shaking my head before he’s even finished speaking. “Okay, now I’m confused,” I say. “Are you involved in the ski academy too?”

Jeff laughs, taking a sip of his beer before he says, “Well, Ethan has given me first run at sponsorship options on all new recruits and considering our relationship with you, he wanted my opinion on it all.”

“Yeah, but I’m not skiing anymore, so I guess…I don’t know, I assumed this.” I pause, gesturing between me and Jeff. “Our business relationship anyway, is over.”

This gets me another laugh as Jeff leans forward a little, shaking his head. “No way,” he says, smiling. “I’m actually here to renegotiate all of that because I’m also offering you a job.”

“Okay, what the hell?” I ask, even more confused.

“Brand ambassador,” Jeff says, still smiling. “For Holden. You might not be competing anymore, Nick, but you have a huge online presence and with you taking on the head coaching job at the academy, that is only going to grow. I personally can’t think of a better person to represent us. Can you?”

“I certainly can’t,” Ethan says, smiling. “Whole thing sounds perfect to me.”

I turn to Lis, not sure what to say to any of this. With my ski career over, I still wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I’d never really thought beyond skiing competitively, not even giving it a second thought when I dropped out of college to pursue that dream. Back then, everything had felt possible, and I’d never even stopped to consider what would happen if I got injured or couldn’t ski or things didn’t play out the way I expected them too.

And it’s safe to say that nothing has played out the way I expected it to over the past few months. But I’m totally okay with it all. My competitive skiing career is over, but I’m okay with that. And while I pretty much figure I have no real job prospects in addition to a fucked knee, I also figure I’ll work all that stuff out. Because at the end of the day, what I do have is Lis and she is the most important thing in the world to me. Her and the baby.

So yeah, while it’s a relief not to have to pay back any of my signing bonuses, especially given everything, I’m pretty damn happy with how my life is playing out.

Besides, I always just assumed I’d find something to do at Badger Creek. Maybe more along the lines of lessons or even just working in the lodge with Lis. Not head coach at the amazing ski academy Ethan is opening and brand ambassador for Holden Winter Gear.

Lis smiles up at me, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she squeezes my hand in hers.

“Are you serious?” I ask, my question directed at both Ethan and Jeff.

They both nod, as Ethan says, “You don’t have to decide now. I get that coaching might not be what you want to do, but we wanted to run it by you. Let you know what was on the table.”

“I just…sorry, I’m just... I don’t even know what to say. Are you really sure about this? Seriously? I have no experience being a coach.”

Ethan nods, taking a swig of his beer. “Yeah, I get that, but you’ll have your pick of hires to help you out. You’re free to pick whoever, but I know Alexander Mikhail is looking for a new gig, so…”

“Alexander Mikhail?” I repeat, knowing this guy is like a skiing god. Three-time Olympic gold medalist and possibly one of the best aerial skiers ever. Not to mention his record as a coach for the Canadian team. “Why aren’t you making him head coach? He’d be much better than me.”

Ethan laughs. “First of all, that’s an unfair assessment, Nick. I might not know skiing, but I know a great career when I see one and while yours might have been cut short, it was still really great.”

“Yeah, and I feel like Zoey might have been talking me up a bit too much,” I say, and Ethan just laughs.

“She’s not the only one,” he says, glancing at Lis beside me. “Also, Alexander doesn’t want to be head coach. He’s at the end of his career and what he wants is to mentor someone else, teach them everything he knows. Someone like you.”

“But it would be my decision if we bring him on?” I ask, the idea of this already starting to sink in.

“It is. We’ve had a conversation, and he knows you are part of the plan, part of where we see things going.”

“And he’s okay with it?”

Ethan laughs again. “More than okay with it. He’s a big fan of yours, Nick.”

I blow out a breath, still trying to process all of this as I turn to Lis again who is smiling up at me. “What do you think about this?” I ask, knowing her opinion is the one that matters the most to me.

Her smile widens as she takes my hand in both of hers. “I think all of it sounds amazing,” she whispers. “But I want you to do what makesyouhappy, Nick. That’s all that matters to me.”

And there it is. Elissa putting me first, pushing me to do what I want. She’s always been like this; from the moment I met her. It’s why I got as far as I did because she always backed me, pushed me to be more, supported me even when it cost her, cost us.

She has always been my biggest fan and my greatest supporter; my rock. And now it’s my turn to be that for her.

“Would there be travel involved?” I ask, turning back to Ethan, knowing there must be if our recruits are going to compete at meets.