All clear?Is he fucking joking? He’s not even a doctor and I literally only had it done a couple of hours ago, how can he know the result already? I mean I know we have an awesome medical facility here, but this seems really quick.

I throw my phone onto my bed with a curse, not bothering to respond because really, what the fuck is there to say? Besides which, I’m way too angry right now and I feel like anything I type back would not be good.

God fuck, I want to go home, I think as a knock sounds at my door.

It’s almost ten and I have no idea who it could be. For a second, I worry that it’s my coach, but when a second knock comes, I suck in a deep breath and answer it.

Only to discover it’s not my coach.

It’s not even one of my teammates.

It’s literally the one thing in the world I need right now. The one thing that can and does make everything a million times better.

“Surprise,” Lis says, a half-smile on her face. “I got an earlier flight.”

“Fuck, babe,” I groan, pulling her into my arms. “I am so glad to see you.”



Nick pulls back, a massive smile on his face, a look of complete adoration in his eyes and I’ve never felt so special, so wanted than I do right now.

“Let me look at you,” he says, pushing my coat off my shoulders, his eyes falling to the small swell of my stomach.

“Fourteen weeks,” I say, smoothing my sweater down, so Nick can get a better look. “Maybe the baby will move while I’m here. I’m not sure you’ll be able to feel it just yet, but we can give it a try.”

With the huge smile still on his face, Nick rests his hands on my stomach, letting them linger there for a few seconds, before he pulls me close, kissing me hard.

“Wonder if we can rock the baby to sleep over there on my bed,” Nick jokes, hitting me with a wink, his lips moving to trail down my neck. “Lis, it’s been like fourteen days since I was last inside you, and it’s fucking killing me.”

I can hear the ache in his words, the desperation to be close to me, and I feel it too. When Nick left, it was like he took a piece of me with him, and I was left with this dull ache of loneliness. It sounds silly since I spent the last four years without him, moving on with my life, but I guess in the end, I never really did. Having him back is better than I ever could have imagined and being here with him right now is all I’ve wanted for the last two weeks.

“I was hoping you’d be up for a little action. This pregnancy has made me want nothing but sex, and it’s been brutal having you gone,” I lament, pushing out my bottom lip in a pout. “I’ve had to rely on my fingers and my vibrator and trust me, they’ve got nothing on you.”

With his arms around my waist, my bag dropped by the door, my coat now in a puddle on the floor, Nick backs up toward the bed, taking me with him.

He’s sitting down, looking up at me, his stare intense and filled with want and need. His fingers slide into the waistband of my leggings, tracing a path and I instantly feel a rush of heat cover my cheeks.

I step between his legs, and he widens them to allow me to get closer to him, pushing my sweater up, he presses a kiss to my bare stomach.

“I missed both of you,” he whispers against my skin, inhaling deeply, he looks up at me with lust and desire in his eyes. “I want to taste you.”

“I thought you said you wanted to be inside me. Nicholas O’Connor you are insatiable.” I weave my hands in his hair, holding his mouth to me as he slides my leggings down. Kissing a path from my stomach down, he pauses.

With a wicked smile on his face, he leans back, watching me. “Take off your boots and pants and come sit on my face.”

I laugh out loud at his demand, an electricity moving through me with how much he wants me. My body sparks, and I don’t wait for him to say it again.

Kicking off my boots, my eyes never leave Nick’s as he watches me undress. Shimmying out of my leggings, I leave them on the floor, but as I begin to step toward Nick, he shakes his head.

There’s a seriousness in his eyes, his lips set in a firm line. “All of it, Lis,” he says, seduction dripping from his words. He motions at me to lose the sweater, and I pull it over my head, smiling when I see his face.

“Better?” I ask, standing there letting his eyes rake over my body, dressed only in my bra and panties.

“Keep going,” he says, tucking his hands behind his head as he leans back against the headboard. “Panties, bra, they gotta go.” He winks at me, wetting his lips.

When I’m completely naked, Nick calls me over with a curl of his finger. “As much as I would love to just take in your gorgeous naked body, I need you right here.” He taps his mouth, a smile spreading across his lips. “Right here, Lis.”