“Don’t say it!” I shout, holding up a hand. “Remember, I said no movies about soulmates and I’m pretty sure you were about to say that.”

“I didn’t think I couldn’t refer to you and Nick as soulmates too. I agreed to the movie thing, but this is your life. You never said anything about your life,” she hits back, smiling, and I can’t help but smile back at her.

“Whatever,” I reply, rolling my eyes. “Let’s watchFast Five.Little romance and I can dream of stealing a safe and having the money to buy Nick out of his contract,” I say, changing the subject.

“Did Nick ever think about asking Max for the money?” Harper now says, and I’m taken aback by this comment.

There’s no way Nick would ever take money from his friends. Loaning friends money never turns out well, and even though Max and Nick are super close, it could ruin their friendship.

“Max wants to offer to help,” Harper adds, and even if it is Max who offers, there’s no way Nick and I would say yes.

“That’s incredibly generous, but there’s no way we could accept it. And anyway, Max’s parents are already helping us by letting us use their lawyer. That’s plenty.”

“I told Max that I didn’t think it was a good idea. I know how money can cause problems between people and I would never want to see Nick and Max’s friendship end over it,” Harper says. “I think Max has really enjoyed having Nick here. He’s upset that he’s gone, and I think he wants to buy out his contract to keep him here.”

“Same. I’d love to be able to buy him out of the contract, but how the hell do I even go about that? I make enough to support myself, but certainly not enough to just hand over half a million dollars.”

“Holy shit! That’s how much it is?” Harper asks, sounding shocked by the amount.

“Actually, it’s probably more. That’s just the contract with the US team. There’s also sponsorships and advertising and shit too.”

“Okay, Max didn’t tell me it was that much. Can you tell that I’ve been poor most of my life because I stupidly thought it was like a few thousand dollars,” Harper tells me, and I nod.

“Yeah, I couldn’t even fathom how much money it is either.”

But now this conversation has me thinking of all the ways I could possibly get the money. I could sell my car. I could go back to renting and sell the house. Not sure my mom would go for that one, but that’s where most of the money I have is tied up in.

I guess I just have to trust the lawyer and hope it all works out.



It’s late by the time I finally get back to Park City, the entire complex quiet and shut down for the night. I’d gotten an Uber from the airport, not bothering to ask anyone to pick me up. I couldn’t bring myself to care enough to tell anyone that I was even coming back, although I’m sure the coach has told the team.

It’s been four hours since I left Lis and I miss her more than I ever thought possible. It feels different this time, the separation from her. Even though I know we are in a much better place as a couple, it’s almost like that makes all of this hurt even more. Plus, I hate being away from her when she’s pregnant, when we literally just got married, nothing about it feels right.

And as much as we talked about things before I left, there was still stuff I didn’t say to her. Stuff I didn’t want to say because I didn’t want to make this situation any shittier than it already was. But I’m worried about her.

Worried about how this new separation is going to affect her.

Worried about her and the baby and the fact I’m not there to help.

Worried that she’s already thinking I’ve changed my mind about coming back.

I don’t want her thinking that because I’m not ever going to change my mind about this. I know she’s worried I’m going to regret my decision, but I’m not. I feel it deep in my bones, the certainty, that quitting the team and going back home to her is what I want to do.

I unlock the door to my room, dropping my bags on the floor before I sink onto the bed, my thumb reflexively twisting the wedding band on my left ring finger, something I’ve done ever since Lis put it on me. When I pull my phone from my pocket, the screen lights up with the photo of Lis and me, and also a text notification from her.

Lis:My new sleeping partner…

Attachedto the text is a selfie of Lis and Harper in her bedroom at her mom’s place. Harper is asleep beside her and even though I really wish it was me lying there, I’m also glad Lis isn’t alone tonight.

Me:Hope you aren’t thinking of replacing me?!

Lis: Nah, might keep you around, I kinda like what you have to offer me.

Me: Kinda??