I’m already so fucking in love with the idea of me and Lis having a baby together.

Lis shakes her head with a laugh, as beside us the tech continues working, moving the probe around again as she clicks a couple of buttons. “Okay, looking at the size of bub, I’d say…” She trails off again as she changes the angle of the wand. “Yep, I’d say you’re about eleven, maybe twelve weeks along. Probably conceived first week of October-ish.”

I do a quick calculation in my head, even though I already know the answer.

Twelve weeks.

Three months.

I’ve been back in Badger Creek for three months.

Came back that first week in October. Lis and I slept together that very first day and we pretty much haven’t stopped since then.

I turn to Lis, her eyes still shining with tears, but her cheeks now wet with them as she stares at the screen. Leaning in to kiss her knuckles again, I whisper, “It really was that first night.”

She turns to me, a huge smile on her face. “I love that.”

With a grin, I lean in and kiss her. “Me too,” I whisper.

Lis cups my cheek, holding me close for another kiss as she smiles up at me. “Can we find out the sex?” she asks the tech, not looking away from me.

My smile widens. “Oh, so now you want to know, huh?”

Lis laughs. “I don’t know, maybe, yeah.”

“Well,” the tech says, as she moves the probe some more. “We can try to find out, but…” She trails off as she moves the wand again. “Nope, looks like bub don’t want us to know. Sorry, it’s always tricky this early on. The twenty-week scan will be much clearer, we can definitely let you know then.”

“Twenty weeks,” I repeat, wondering if I’ll be back by then.

Lis turns to me, squeezing my hand with hers. “Okay, I’ve changed my mind, let’s not find out.”


“No,” she repeats, shaking her head. “The surprise will be fun. We don’t need to know.”

I lift her hand to my lips. “I’m gonna be back by twenty weeks, Lis,” I whisper, knowing that’s what she’s really worried about. She nods, giving me a sad smile and I can’t stop myself from leaning in and kissing her again. “I promise you, babe, I’m going to be back.” I pull back and give her a smile, fully intending to keep my promise, no matter what it takes.

Lis smiles back at me, just as the tech says, “Okay, how about some pictures?”

After the ultrasound,Lis and I head home, neither of us wanting to do anything but spend the rest of the time we have left together. I’ve already packed, having done that while Lis was at work this morning, even if I’m only taking a fraction of my stuff with me this time.

My intention is to go back to fill my end of the contract, but the second the Holdens’ lawyer finds me a way out, I’m on the first plane back to Tahoe. I don’t want to be apart from Lis anymore and I no longer care about the Olympic dream I once thought was so important.

I’ve already done so much anyway, making the US team, winning medals at National meets and other international comps, it’s more than enough. I don’t need to go to the Olympics anymore and besides, everything has changed for me now. And even though I have no idea what I’m going to do back here at Badger Creek, I’ll find something. I have to.

“Are you all packed?” Lis asks as she walks into the bedroom and sits on the bed.

I blow out a breath, shoving a hand through my hair as I sit beside her. “Yeah,” I murmur, reaching for the images on my nightstand. “Can I take one of these?” I ask.

Lis smiles at the ultrasound pictures I’m holding, leaning her head on my shoulder as she says, “Of course.”

I drop my arm around her shoulder, pulling her close as we slowly look at the pictures the tech gave us. There are four in total, including a 3D one that’s cool because it actually looks the most like a baby. “Which ones do you want?” I ask, dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

“Is it just me or is this one kinda slightly weird?” she asks, pointing to the 3D one.

Chuckling, I hold it up in front of us. “I mean yeah, sort of,” I admit. “But at least it looks like a baby instead of...I don’t know, an alien like in these ones.”

Lis laughs, grabbing my phone from the bed. “Why don’t you take pictures of all of them,” she says. “And take whichever one you want to take.”