“So how we doing this?”I ask, dropping my arm around Lis’ shoulders as we walk toward The Matterhorn.

She laughs, sliding her arm around my waist, her hand disappearing beneath my sweater to rest against my skin. “I mean we’re over an hour late,” she says, glancing up at me and hitting me with a pointed look.

I grin, opening the door, before dropping a quick kiss on her lips. “We’re late because we’re newlyweds and I needed to spend some quality time with my wife,” I say, knowing Lis and I have barely come up for air after we did indeed have sex in the back of her SUV at the lake yesterday.

And after we got home, we pretty much didn’t leave my bed for the next twenty-four hours either, having a lot more sex, but also talking a lot about our future.

As much as neither of us wants to go through this upcoming separation, we both know it’s the right thing to do, given the circumstances. Just like we both know we can trust the Holdens to help us find a way out of my contract that doesn’t leave me drowning in debt.

So instead of focusing on me leaving, we’d focused only on the positives, like planning the party we were going to have to celebrate our wedding the second I was back, a possible honeymoon afterwards, and even baby names. And even though I fucking hate the idea of leaving Lis again, I know that this time round, nothing is going to come between us. We are making this work.

“Yeah and I’m pretty sure they’re going to notice that as soon as they see the rings,” Lis now says, even though hers is currently hidden beneath my sweater.

Grinning, I give her a wink as I shove my left hand in my pocket to hide my newly acquired wedding band as we make our way inside.

“Well it’s about damn time!” Alex shouts from a spot over near the bar before we can come up with a plan on how we’re breaking our news. “Where the hell have you two been?” He’s grinning as we walk toward our friends, everyone here and waiting for us.

“We’ve been, um…” I pause, moving so I’m standing behind Lis, my right arm wrapped around her shoulders. “What would we call it, babe?” I ask, pressing a kiss to her neck as I now wrap my left arm around her, my left hand resting on my other arm, the wedding band I now wear, impossible to miss.

Lis giggles, her left hand moving to rest on my forearm to display her rings, as she half turns to me and says, “Celebrating?”

There’s a beat of silence from our friends, before Zoey suddenly screams, “Oh my god, you guys got married?!”

Chuckling, I give Lis a quick kiss before we both look back at our friends and she says, “We got married.”

Zoey, Delaney and Harper all let out loud screams as they suddenly rush us both, pulling Lis from my arms as they embrace her in a huge group hug, everyone laughing. When I glance at the guys, Alex is grinning from ear to ear, Max too, while Ethan stands beside them with a knowing smile on his face.

“You sly fucking dog,” Alex says, stepping forward and pulling me into a hug. “You hook back up in secret, then you knock her up and now you get fucking married.”

“Yep,” I laugh, slapping Alex on the back before Max grabs me.

“Congrats, dude, I’m really happy for you, seriously,” he says, pulling me close.

“Thanks, Max,” I say, returning the hug. “And for the record, I get it now, all of it.”

Max laughs, pulling back as he gently slaps a hand on my cheek. “Told you, you would.”

Chuckling, I turn to Ethan, who’s smiling as he offers me his hand, pulling me into a one-armed hug. “Congratulations,” he says, his voice low.

“Thank you,” I reply, pulling back as I reach for Lis again, not wanting to be apart from her for a single second. “And we know this is a shock and we did it all without you guys, but we are planning a party to celebrate,” I say, smiling at our friends. “As soon as I’m back.”

“When’s that gonna be?” Alex asks.

I shoot a quick look at Max who clearly hasn’t said anything about me and my meeting with his family’s lawyer, before turning back to my other friend. “Hopefully soon,” I tell him. “As soon as I get out of my contract.”

“You’re quitting?” Alex asks, clearly surprised. I know he and I haven’t known each other as long and Max and I have, but Alex knows how badly I wanted this dream. Knows how much I sacrificed and how much I gave up trying to reach it.

With a smile, I pull Lis closer, wrapping her in my arms as I drop a kiss on the top of her head. “I am,” I say with a nod. “Because this is exactly where I want to be.”

Alex stares at me for a beat before a huge smile takes over his face. “Well holy fuck, now we really need to celebrate!”

“Alex!” Delaney squeals, smacking his stomach as she hits him with a glare. “I’m pretty sure Nick and Elissa getting married is more than enough reason to celebrate. Not to mention the baby on the way. Two babies, even,” she adds, smiling at Harper. “And of course Ethan and Zoey’s engagement.”

Alex lets out a loud laugh, his head falling back as I give him a grin. “Well, shit, looks like everyone’s getting married and having babies,” I say. “You might wanna think about stepping up, dude,” I add, giving him a wink.

Alex just laughs, wrapping an arm around my neck as he pulls me in for another hug. “You’re a dick, but I still love you,” he says. “Now, is it time to fucking celebrate or what?”

Before anyone can answer him, a server arrives with several bottles of champagne, along with some sparkling water, offering a quick nod in Ethan’s direction, before disappearing. Zoey claps her hands together with a squeal, before she pours everyone a glass of champagne, except for Lis and Harper, who both get water.