Nick: You think those pictures are hot, you should see me with my clothes off… oh wait, you already have. :)

Me: For real though, are these guys any of the ones who left the team?

Nick: No, they’re still here. One of them is rehabbing a shoulder injury and the other is our backup guy. Sorry to ruin your internet research in your attempts to take down my coach and get me back home.

Me: How the hell did you know that’s what I was doing?

Nick: Lis, we’ve known each other since we were kids, I know everything about you. I know you better than I know myself. Love that you’re this invested.

Me: Of course I’m invested. It’s our life.

Nick: Love you, babe.

Me: Love you.

Well,that led to nowhere, and so it looks like we’re going to have to rely on the lawyer to help us out after all.

I lean back into the couch, setting my laptop next to me, needing to stop obsessing over this. It’s hard not to wonder what’s going on and if there is more happening than Nick or I know. I’m sure there isn’t. We both just want this over so badly that we’re creating drama, and the coach wants Nick there because with Nick on the team, there’s publicity and money.

It’s always about money. I keep telling myself that.

Letting out a long slow breath, I close my eyes, trying to put the idea that something isn’t right out of my head.

I take in a few more deep breaths and on my last breath, I feel it. I gasp out loud, waiting to feel it again, and when I do, I rest my hand on my stomach.

It’s this fluttering feeling, and my breath catches in my throat, blown away by the realization that the baby is growing, and I’ll feel this kind of thing more often.

I love it.

It happens a couple more times, and each time it does, I feel my smile grow, beaming with excitement and happiness. It’s this small swishing feeling, and I picture the baby rolling around in there, the size of an apple, and it’s crazy that in a few more months, I’ll be feeling feet and elbows jabbing around in there.

I needed this tonight, and I’m sure Nick does too.

Me:I felt the baby move tonight!!!



My phone pings with another text and if I thought I was frustrated before, it only magnifies when I read the message.

Lis:I felt the baby move tonight!!!

I want to be excited,and I absolutely am, but I also really want to be there with her.Iwant to feel our baby move;Iwant to rest my hand on her stomach, beside hers and feel it together. I fucking hate that I am already missing out on this stuff.

But I know it’s also really cool and Lis will be excited and happy by it, and that does make me happy.

Me:Holy shit! That is so cool. I’m gonna need baby to move when you come visit too.

Lis: I’m sure we can make it happen. I wish you were here to feel this.

Me: Me too, babe, so bad.

The chat goesquiet and for a few minutes as I wait, I actually contemplate booking a flight home for the weekend. I don’t even give a shit how much it costs; I just want to see her, just want to be with her.

I have no fucking idea how I went four years without Lis, because it has only been a week since I left and it already feels agonizing. And I know I only have one more week until she gets here, but I’m already over this separation. Plus, my knee is fucking killing me and all I want to do is go home to Badger Creek and be with her.

Lis:Only 7 more days.