“Okay,” she says with a nod, nervousness flashing across her face.

“Okay,” I repeat, kissing the end of her nose. “Now, what can I do to make your morning easier?”

Elissa shrugs, her hand moving to her stomach as though to check how it feels as she says, “I mean, I wouldn’t mind a coffee?”

“Done,” I say, giving her a quick kiss. “Although, we are gonna have to watch that. I was doing some Googling last night about pregnancy and apparently caffeine is?—”

“Oh my god, Nick, you’re not going to be one of these people, are you?” Lis says, finally letting out a laugh.

I grin, my hands sliding up to cup her jaw. “If you mean one of these people who is going to make sure everything is okay with you and our little bean, then yeah, babe, you better believe I am.”

“Oh boy,” she teases. “Go and get me some coffee.” I give her another quick kiss before letting go. As I turn to walk away, Lis adds, “And maybe some of those peanut butter and jelly sandwich things.”

I pause. “Seriously?” I ask, glancing back at her.

Lis shrugs, a smile on her face as her hand rests on her stomach. “Yeah, I think baby likes them.”

I grin back at her. “Well in that case, that’s what baby’s getting,” I say with a wink. “Oh, and call your doctor, babe. You need to make an appointment, remember.”

“Oh my god. Go!”

I spendthe rest of the morning helping Lis and the others out as skiers come in to collect their gear and lift passes. It’s busy and Lis and I don’t get a chance to talk more about everything that’s happening between us. I do catch her looking at me a couple of times though, a look on her face as though she’s trying to figure out what I’m thinking or she’s trying to picture me here or something.

I hate that she still has doubts about me staying here, although to be fair, I left her once, so I guess it’s only fair that she expects me to do it again. But this time I’m making a different decision, even if it is a decision that is basically going to kill my dream of skiing at the Olympics.

I can’t remember a time when that wasn’t my dream, but maybe after everything that happened with my knee, with coming back here and reconnecting with Lis, it’s a sign that the dream is over. Maybe it was never meant to happen for me.

I walk into Lis’ office to find her sitting behind her desk, her hand over her mouth.

“You okay?”

She nods. “Yeah, just thought I was gonna puke again.”

I walk around and sit on the edge of her desk. “Poor girl, this sucks for you.”

Lis chuckles, her hand moving down to her stomach. “Yeah, kinda makes me think it’s a boy, given it’s giving me this much trouble already,” she says, smiling.

“Oh really,” I reply. “Because if I remember, you weren’t exactly the picture of innocence back when we were kids either, so for all you know, it could be a girl.”

Elissa smirks at me. “Hmmm, maybe. You call your coach yet?” she asks.

I roll my eyes playfully as I pull my phone from my pocket. “Was just about to. You make a doctor’s appointment yet?”

“Yes,” she replies just as my phone chimes out with a text.

Elissa’s eyes widen and I chuckle as I look down at my phone to see that it’s a message from my coach.

Coach:Hey Nick, we’re keen to get things moving. Hoping to meet up today for a chat. You free for lunch? We’re at Badger Creek. Can meet now.

I turnthe phone to Lis so she can see the message. “See, already happening. You wanna come with me?” I ask, knowing it might make her feel better if she hears it firsthand from me when I tell the coach I’m going to quit.

Elissa shakes her head, just as a knock comes at the open door. Turning, I see Harper, Delaney and Zoey all standing there, smiling at us. “Having lunch with the girls,” Lis says, standing from her chair. “If I can eat anything.”

I hook my arm around her waist and pull her into me. “You need to eat something, babe,” I say, kissing her.

“I know,” she says, brushing the hair back from my face. “Fill me in after about what your coach says?”

“Always,” I say, giving her a kiss. “Have fun at lunch, ladies,” I say as I walk out.