The plane touches down on the tarmac with a bump. I can see through the small window of the plane, all the snow and the mountains and I smile, leaning over to nuzzle Lis as I whisper, “Home sweet home.”

She turns to me, giving me a small smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes as she says, “Yeah.”

I take her hand in mine, lifting it to my lips as I brush them over her knuckles. “You sure you’re okay?”

She smiles again, giving me a quick nod before she turns back to the window. I don’t fully believe her though, because something has been off with her for the past few days. But it doesn’t matter how many times I ask her what’s wrong, she always tells me it’s nothing.

But I know in my gut that it is something and it scares the shit out of me, which is why I lean in again and say, “You sure, because you’ve been awfully quiet these past few days?”

Lis lets out a breath, her head resting on the seat as she turns to me again. “I’m okay, Nick,” she says. “I think just taking my first break in years and the travel and stuff.”

“And you’ve been sick,” I say, kissing her knuckles again.

“Yeah, and that,” she adds, her voice flat.

The plane comes to a stop, the seatbelt sign going off and everyone stands from the seats around us, neither Lis nor I move yet. “I hope you still had fun with my family though.”

She lifts her hand to my cheek. “I did, of course. It was great to see them all again.”

Smiling, I lean in and kiss her. “Good,” I whisper against her lips. “Now all we have to do is break the news to our friends about us being back together,” I add, smiling. “Which should be fun.”

“We probably need to get off the plane first,” she suggests, tipping her head toward the aisle.

Chuckling, I lean in for another kiss before unbuckling my seatbelt and getting up. I grab our bags from the overhead compartment and then hold my hand out for Lis before we exit the plane. After we grab our suitcases, we head outside to get a taxi.

I give the driver my address and as we make our way out of the airport, Lis turns to me and says, “I might go and see how my mom is doing this afternoon.”

“Of course. You want me to come?” I ask, knowing that even though Judy now has a serious boyfriend, we did still leave her on her own for Christmas.

“Nah, it’s okay,” Lis says with a smile. “Thanks though.”

When we get back home, I carry our bags into my bedroom, dumping them as Lis grabs her keys. “You’re going now?” I ask.

“Yeah,” she says, walking over to me. “I’ll probably have dinner with her, so don’t wait for me.”

I pull her into my arms. “You’ll come back here tonight though, right?” I ask.

Lis rests her head on my chest. “Yeah, probably,” she murmurs.

My arms tighten around her as I drop a kiss to her head. “Please come back. I don’t sleep well when you’re not with me,” I say, knowing that we’ve barely spent a night apart since we got back together and when we did, I hated it.

I’m not sure how I ever went four years without her to be honest. We’d been inseparable when we were kids, spending all our time together, even if many of those nights involved us sneaking around because we couldn’t exactly admit to our parents that we were having sex.

I’m sure they knew though, hell Judy admitted she knew I’d been sneaking into their apartment for ages and had just been silently leaving condoms in the bathroom in the hopes I didn’t get Lis pregnant. Guess she never knew that the second Lis and I did start sleeping together, she also went out and got on the pill.

We’d used condoms that first awkward time we had sex, but after that, it had just been us, with nothing between us, literally and metaphorically. And it’s been that way ever since.

Lis pulls back a little, smiling up at me. “As long as Judy doesn’t feed me too much wine, I’ll come back.”

I return her smile, even as I remember Lis barely drinking when we were in Phoenix. “Well, if she does,” I say, dropping a quick kiss on her lips. “Text me and I’ll come get you.”

Lis smiles again, pushing up on her toes as she gives me a kiss. “I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, love you.”