Page 99 of The Eternal Equinox

With a shout, the ground beneath me begins to shake, large cracks forming and splitting the Gods apart with chasms in the earth.

The jagged cracks are only a few feet apart, but I throw an Illusion on them to give the impression that the gap is much larger and that the fissure beneath them is an endless pit of black.

"What the fuck did you do?" Avidor shouts, attempting to use his Geomancy magic to seal the cracks. Mine fights against his to keep them open, and my Illusion holds strong, making him believe his magic is not responding how it's supposed to. "What have you done to my magic, Shadowweaver?"

Avidor charges me, a bolt of Lightning hitting the ground between Zeph and me, sending us flying apart. I land awkwardly on my right arm, feeling something snap.

I attempt to Heal myself, and my magic responds sluggishly like it's making a difficult journey uphill. It was a long shot,thinking I could heal myself. I stop trying to fix a non-mortal wound to conserve my magic, opting instead to rip off my vest and shirt, using the shirt to awkwardly tie up my arm to keep it from getting further injured.

While I'm doing this, Zeph staggers to his feet, throwing a Shield around us. And it's just in time, too, because more bolts come from Avidor, and vines from Amaryn snake across the chasms, breaking my Illusion.

"Your magic is low," Zeph hisses at me.

"Then get me more," I tell him through gritted teeth. "I cannot stop now."

Mace finally succeeds in breaking Solarius' shield and I watch as he strikes the God with a bolt of Lightning in the gut. Solarius flies backward, hitting a stone house and slumping on the ground.

I know he's not dead and will heal quickly and be an issue in just a few minutes, but for now it's nice to have one down.

A screeching roar catches my attention, and I turn to see a monstrosity attacking Tulip and Morrow. It's got the wings of a massive bird, a muscular, fur-covered body, and the head of a stag, and it flies around them and dives, trying to catch a bite of them with its horrifyingly sharp teeth.

I reach out with my magic to control it away from them when Zeph grabs me. "Don't. Let them fight it. You have to conserve your magic. They can handle it." It goes against everything within me not to help them. I turn away from him to ignore his words. He grabs me again, stepping in front of me. "You're not fightingalone, so stop acting like it. Let them handle it. You need your magic for the Gods."

In my distraction, Amaryn has managed to get to Solarius and heal him, and they stalk towards me. With them at my front and Avidor at my back, things are looking quite bleak. But the Gods are underestimating Mace, turning their backs on him. His Decay magic creeps up their legs, and I boost it with my own until they both stumble, their legs weak beneath them.

It is nothing but another temporary solution. Amaryn is already healing Solarius, and he's throwing Fire my way.

Zeph takes control of the magic midair and redirects back to the pair so I can focus on Avidor.

The Harvest Lord has been weaving a massive glaive out of the minerals in the earth. I feel a burst of magic within me as Zeph filters devotion to me. I am able to take control of the glaive as Avidor hurls it at me. I quickly dismantle it.

Is there even a chance of me winning against them?

It's everything I can do to keep up with the spells they're throwing my way, and I can tell they're not even fully powered yet.

A scream of pain from Morrow draws my attention to Tulip, who is rapidly jamming her javelin into the heart of the beast that attacked them. Morrow is on the ground, hand on his side that has a massive chunk taken out of it, gushing blood.

I don't think. I just run. I'm at his side in a moment and run my hands over his wound, knitting it back together. It's not perfect, but it's quick and passable. He'll beable to keep fighting.

Tulip is feral, stabbing the beast over and over despite it being on the ground, unmoving. "Tulip, it's dead!" I shout over her angry roars.

"IT HURT MY HUSBAND!" she screams, pulling the javelin out. The mangled heart of the beast sticks to the blade.

Morrow, fully healed now, jumps to his feet, grabs Tulip, and kisses her deeply, uncaring about the fact that we're in a fucking world-ending battle and Mace and Zeph are on their own trying to deflect the attacks of two Gods.

Two Gods.

I spin around right as a giant ball of fire comes hurtling towards me.

It stops before it can hit me, control of the magic taken over by Morrow, who is struggling to hold the power of a God in his hands. "Go, Shadowweaver!"

I duck and run, tossing a shard of Ice at Solarius. It melts the moment it touches his overheated skin.

The screams of my family as they hurl and dodge magic fill my ears, and I become intimately aware of every nerve ending in my body. I feel like I am on fire, every piece of me screaming and fighting and furious that it has come to this. That I am fighting the Gods who are supposed to take care of our realm.

How did I steal a piece of string tied together with feathers and cause all of this strife?

It's an uneven battle, despite us having more numbers, as the three Gods hurl magic at us relentlessly. The only saving gracewe have is that none of them appear to be able to fight without their magic.