Page 62 of Vengeful Proposal

Holy fucking shit.

If he kisses me now …

There’s no way I’ll want him to stop withjusta kiss.

“Remember, Kitty Cat.” He grabs my chin, forcing me to stare into his eyes. “It needs to be believable.”

I’m trying to think of a comeback, but my tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth. Without warning, he crushes his lips to mine, closing the distance in a heartbeat. Pressure and warmth follow behind his lips, setting me ablaze in the heat of his powerful kiss.

My body melts into him effortlessly. His hand tightens on my chin, the other on my back, holding me close to him as my heart matches the pulsing rhythm of his cock throbbing against my belly. I wish Josip wasn’t here, because all I want is for Konstantin to throw me down on the ground, hold me down as he rips this dress off me, and fuck me.

Instead, I’m forced to stay still, so close to his cock but yet so impossibly far as Josip captures every second of the ever-deepening kiss.

“All done!”

When did I close my eyes? I didn’t even realize I had done it. Now they flutter open, staring into Konstantin’s dilated pupils. His heat ismyheat. Abruptly, he releases me, backs away, and adjusts his tie.

He’s putting himself back together, just like me.

Both of us have somehow won and lost at the same time.

I clear my throat. “If we’re done, I’ll meet you at the helicopter.”

He doesn’t respond with words, only a simple nod. Then, he bends close to Josip, who is excitedly showing him the photos on his camera’s screen.

Fists at my side, I power walk to the helicopter, head held high as I try and pretend that my panties aren’t absolutelysoaked.

The pilot nods to me when I climb into the helicopter. I buckle myself in, using the strap as a way to restrain my body. I have to do something, or I’m worried I’ll grab Konstantin and beg him to fuck me right here and now.

Calm down, girl. Get yourself under control.

It’s not my fault I’m attracted to him. He’s the one with the stupid good looks and climb-on-top-of-me muscular chest.

My reaction is normal.

Super normal.

Konstantin steps up into the helicopter and my heart does a somersault. “Done already?” I ask. “Not going to dissect every photo he took to make sure they’re all saccharine perfection, Kostya?”

He freezes, shooting me a long, hard look. Something turns behind his eyes. Facing the pilot, he taps his arm. “Get out.”

I wait for the pilot to laugh. To my utter horror, he makes haste to get out of Konstantin’s way.

“W-wait,” I say anxiously. “Do you know how to fly this thing?”

Konstantin settles in the chair, putting on the headset and flicking some knobs. My stomach drops at the sight.

“I asked if you can fly this.” My voice hits the top of my vocal range as all bravado dies in my throat. “Konstantin? Hello?”

The helicopter roars to life, lifting into the air faster than I remember it ever going. I look to the pilot for any sign that this is normal and okay.

He tightens his seat belt and shuts his eyes.


He banks the aircraft hard to the right, sending me rocking in my seat. I’m not even sitting up straight before he flies us in the opposite direction.

“OH FUCK!” I shriek.