Page 137 of Vengeful Proposal

My hand shakes. As much as I want to tighten my fingers and snap her neck, I don’t.

I can’t.

Because I know that she’s right.

If I die, then Emily will suffer the consequences.

She’s already suffered enough because of me.

Slowly, one finger after another, I release Alla. She falls to her knees, gasping.

I take a step back, and the gun is removed from my temple.

Rising to her feet again, Alla regains her composure as she massages her neck. The angry red marks are visible on her papery skin, and I know that by morning, those red marks will turn to bruises.

Slowly, she picks up the ring, and holds it out for me to accept. And when I do, she drops it into my palm.

It can’t weigh more than a chestnut, but my hand wavers as if it’s a boulder.

“Our future is in your hands now, Konstantin Yurevich.”

I don’t dare close my palm, half thinking that she’ll yank it away as soon as I do to shame me. Finally, her hand withdraws, and I start to close my fist.

That’s when she grabs my wrist with both her hands. Her grip is like iron as she scrutinizes me the way she has always done since I was old enough to walk.

“Now,” she says. “Do what you must, and bring my granddaughter back to me.”

My eyes narrow suspiciously. “I thought you wanted to use her to end this pointless war? What changed?”

“Youproved that you will do what is necessary to ensure the family’s survival,” she says. “For the bratva. And now that I know our future is secure, I will not allow my darling little Aliska to languish in the grips of the same people who murdered my son.”

“You devious bitch.” My hands ball into fists.

“Call me what you like, Kostya,” she muses. “Butneverdoubt that everything I do, I do for the family. As a woman, I cannot lead men to war.” She raises her hands and cups my cheeks, her single good eye drilling into mine. “Therefore, I must do what I can to position the family for the best possible outcome. It’s what I’ve always done. When will you depart?”

“The men will be ready in two days.”

“Good.” She smiles. “I trust you to do what boys do best.”

“And while I’m gone,” I tell her as my fist tightens around the signet ring. “You will stay away from my wife. Understand?”

She stares back at me with both of her eyes so that I can see her defiance.

“Of course,” she says softly.

I give her one final look before I start walking away. My fingers are already tapping at my phone to inform Sima of what is to come.

Because this next part is shockingly simple.

After all, there’s only onerealrule in a Mafia war.

Your enemies have to die.