Page 124 of Vengeful Proposal


His palm cups my dripping hole, kneading my clit trembling with desire. The pupil of his eyes dilate until his icy-blue eyes are black as night while his hand continues to play with my swollen lips.

“Do youwantme to hurt you?”

The answer comes easily and unexpectedly. “Yes.”

He rewards my words by quickening the way he massages my soaked pussy until my knees buckle against him. Leaning in so close that his face blocks out all source of light behind him until he looks like a demon snarling in my face, he asks.

“Andhowdo you want me to hurt you?”

With an impulsiveness that can only exist because of my shattered heart, I move my hand down his chest, past the ridged muscles of his abdomen into his pants, and cup his massive cock, already hard and throbbing angrily in my hand.

“With this.”

He takesmy hand in his and begins walking down the hall. His shoes brush lightly over the floor, silent as a bird’s wing.

He isn’t in any hurry. If anything, he seems to be walking slower than normal.

“Where are we going?” I ask as a heady mixture of doubt, panic, and excitement war for dominance in my head.

He stares straight ahead, his voice strained as he speaks. “You’ll see.”

The tension between us is thick enough to cut with a knife. His hand holds mine tightly, and I realize that he’s leading me into a section of the castle I haven’t been to before. He pauses to unlock a heavy wooden door with iron framing, waving me through into another hall. This one is darker, the lamps on the wall creating strange shadows that dance on the weathered stone.

We’re going down,I notice with a start. The floor slopes before becoming a stairwell. I begin to ask him where we’re going, but the words die in my throat.

It doesn’t matter where we’re going, I decide.

The air grows colder all around us. This whole area has an unsettling air to it. With every downward step, I can’t help but feel like I’m walking slowly toward the gates of hell.

Finally, we come to a stop. The door here is rectangular, the wood is faded, and missing the touch of care imbued into the rest of the castle. I have a feeling nobody comes down here much, if ever.

A shiver of dread rushes through me, followed by the most intense arousal I’ve ever felt.

Once upon a time, I asked him about dragging me down to a torture chamber and stringing me up until I do whatever he wants.

And just like my question about babies, he never gave me a real answer.

Something tells me he’s about to doboth.

Silently, he unlocks the door with an ancient-looking key, and looks at me expectantly.

Rubbing my arms in anticipation, I step inside. When I see what’s hanging on the walls, I gasp.

Long leather strips dangle from wrapped handles tucked into wall mounts. A shelf with various angular and square blades laid out like doctor’s tools turns my stomach. The space is big, but there are no windows and shadows lurk at every corner. The onlylight comes from an old industrial lamp dangling over a lone chair in the center of the room.

“Last chance, Kitty Cat,” he whispers against my ear. “Once I close the door, there’s no turning back.” His large hands settle around my shoulder and his cock throbs against the small of my back. “Tell me again that this is what you want. Tell me again that youwantme to hurt you.”

My hands close into fists by my hips.He’s giving you a way out. You can still say no.

“I don’t want you to hurt me,” I admit.

He stands up taller and starts to move. But instead, my own recklessness compels me to reach for his hand.

“I want you todestroyme.”