Page 120 of Vengeful Proposal




“I just got an update from Zampa.”Sima says as soon as he enters my office. “He has reason to believe he knows where Alisa is.”

“Go on,” I urge him.

“According to him, she’s being held captive on Capri,” Sima says.

“Capri?” I muse, rubbing my chin. “That’s not too far from the Amalfi Coast.”

“Seems like the Ferrata has been holding her there after they moved her from New York,” Sima says. “Which means when they invited us for talks …”

“Alisa was practically right next door,” I growl. “Those bastards.”

“There’s more,” Sima continues. “Zampa tells me that there’s alotof movement from Ferrata capos in the States. Important people too.”

“Like who?”

“Mario Senza, for one.” Sima ticks a finger. “Bastard’s been running almost the whole show in New York for decades. According to Zampa, old Mario isn’t exactly too fond of the way the Ferrata have been leeching off his so-called hard work and has his own bone to pick.”

“Hard work.” I snort with disgust. “Is that what he calls killing rivals in prison showers?”

“Either way.” Sima shrugs. “Mario is visiting some tailors in Manhattan for custom suits. Not just for himself but for his wife as well.”

Suits? Nowthatbit of information piques my interest. “Anyone else?”

“Bruno Merenda,” Sima answers. “Alessio Spataro, and Elio Di Forno, just to name a few. Same thing. They’re all getting fitted for new suits. It’s nothing much if one of them is doing that. But all of them?”

“Yeah.” I nod. “There’s only one possibility for them.”

Realization dawns on Sima’s face. “You don’t think it’s …”

“It has to be.” I place my hand on Sima’s shoulder. “They’re coming to Capri for Domenico’s fucking wedding. Has Zampa said anything else? Any dates?”

“Nothing yet. But if I were Domenico, I’d want it done immediately. Especially after whatyou’vedone.”

I nod in agreement, picking at that word like it’s a piece of food stuck in my teeth.


Ideas are turning in my head already. As troubling as it is that the Ferrata areallgathering in Capri, this presents an opportunity.

I can rescue Alisaanddeal them a heavy blow, one that can shift the balance of power enough that the war is as good as ended.

“Are the Albanians and Serbians still on our side?”

As long as the Albanians and Serbians are still on my side, then the considerable arsenal that they can bring to the table are still available … For the right price, of course.

“They are,” Sima continues as he reaches for his lighter again. “Why? Looking for a little firepower?”

“Yes,” I finally say. “Reach out to the Albanians and buy up every crate of grenade they have on the market. Then do the same thing with the Serbians for their stock of rocket launchers. I want enough explosives to reduce even the thicket castle wall to rubble.”

Sima scrapes his hair, a savage smile widening on his lips at the thought of impending violence. “Now we’re talking, Kostya. What else?”

“Reach out to the Ukrainians, too,” I say. “I want drone operators. I’m not leaving anything to chance.”